Topic category: Plugins and third-party tools
This plugin adds new global trigger and very useful procedures for events
It adds new procedures for mcreator 2020.4 and the new snapshot 2020.5 for versions 1.12.2,1.14.4 and 1.15.2
Global triggers
- A block is multi placed
- An entity drops experience
- When entity falls
- A player pick up experience
- A player uses an item
- A player stops using an item
- A player finishes using an item
- Before entity is knockback NEW -
- Set <Amount> number dependency of <LivingHurtEvent> event to 0 NEW
- Set <Amount> text dependency of <Event> event to "Text" NEW
- Set <Amount> logic dependency of <Event> event to <FALSE/TRUE> NEW
- Stable version is 1.0
- Thanks for NatePlays95.
GitHub repository
Coming soon ...
You should create a plugin page too, so users will be able to find it easier.
Also, no one can download the plugin since you never made the file on your google drive public.
There is a plugin page, but the plugin's crashing my game lol
can you make it so the when entity picks up item trigger allows for itemstack dependencies?
Hello, I'm considering adding the content of your plugin to MCreator's core. Considering you're the original author, I'm asking for your permission to do that. Do you allow me?
Yes, you can add in mcreator core. xD
Srry just realized your plugin doesn't have that global trigger in it.
Considering that your plugin content has been added into MCreator's core, your plugin should no longer be compatible with MCreator 2020.5 anymore.