Topic category: Advanced modding
I read Forge removed Ore Dictionary support in 1.13+ due to the new vanilla tags, however how can tags be used in recipes?
I had some Cursed Diamonds in Hodge-Podge that can be used in the same recipes of Diamonds but they disappear after a while if you don't use them quickly.
How could I replicate a similar behaviour now in 1.14.4?
EDIT: To use ore dictionary in your recipes simply use minecraft:tag if it's a tag added by vanilla (like minecraft:planks, check the Minecraft wiki for a list of them) or forge:tag if it's added by forge or used across many mods (like forge:gems/diamond or forge:rods/wooden, check the MCreator wiki for a list of common ones). Forge covers many items vanilla doesn't, so if a tag wasn't added by vanilla it was by Forge.
You don't have to write namespaces (minecraft or forge) manually if you are adding tags to existing blocks and items since MCreator does that for you, but you have to when defining recipes.
Tags work the same way than the Ore Dictionary, except they are inside a new mod element. To use your tag inside a recipe, you should have a button named "Tag" (or something similar). Click on it, and write the registry name of your tag (the name you have written in the UI.
Read this page to have more information about them.
I know what are tags, but how can I add a new tag to existing recipes?
I mean how can I make a Diamond that can be used to craft Diamond Pickaxes if there's no Diamond tag in vanilla (without having to add the recipe manually)? Forge 1.12 did already add ore dictionary to most vanilla items and their recipes
Forge adds tags to some common places too, there are some external conventions too, usually using forge namespace.
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Right now Cursed Diamonds still have the gemDiamond tag inherited from 1.12.2, I will try changing that to gems/diamond
It works now, thank you! :D
You are welcome! :)
May I ask what the namespace would be for string or slimeball?
No idea, but there might be some mods on curseforge that can tell you the ore dictionary of an item by hovering it (in 1.12.2 there were JEI Addons and Actually Additions but I'm not sure about 1.14.4+)