is this project possible?

Started by CanASu_0 on

Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange

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is this project possible?

i want to create a mod that is not really big but that add quality things:

if you already saw how to train your dragon, you know what is a night fury, and it's what i want to make: a mod that add night fury, light fury and variants to minecraft.

if i say this here it is because i want to know if all the thing i want to do are possible or not and i need an help on all the thing i say here because i am starting mcreator.

i know its a difficult project but the most important thing for me is to understand how to change the animation and the textures in the "coding console" that look like Scratch, how to use number variables, and how to creates projectiles as a mob attack.

afyer thinking i need help on all the thing i writed here...

i want to know for this thing:


i want that the mob nightfury spawn in a structure in the overworld, and is unic, like a boss (there is only one mob in all the party) and he can be tamed like a horse.

for the night fury spawning, i want that he spawn on a big structure, but that he dont leave her or go back in her for sleep.

the nightfury sleep on day and is active on night.

the night fury fly and the player can fly on him and guide it with mouse.

for the nightfury flying:

if he go down there is an animation and he is faster

if he go on a side  there is an animation and he go slower

if he go up  there is an animation and he go slow to faster

if he go from ground to water there is a aniamtiln and for swimming there is an animation

he have respiration like a player


for the tame dragon:

if the player shift click on it a gui open with his home point that we can set, his gender, his age, his position (sitt, follow,sleep,wandering...) that we also can change and 4 slot for his armor.

he can be regenerate with dragon medical cream.

one of the most important thing for me is that the nightfury can do animation without reasons (like sometimes with aleatory variable or something like that an animation will be played) like he scratch or he sneeze or he make his roar during flying, walking or sleeping.

i also want that if we right click on him with a dragon grass an animation is played where he fell on the ground.

dragon attacks:

there is not a lot of attack, there is 4:

the 3 first are easy: tail attack, claw attack, and bite attack (an animation with damage)

the fourth is really hard to do

he use plasma ball:

an animation is played for say he will use the attack (he charge his mouth with plasma)

when the first animation is finish another start where he do a head movement and in the same time a projectile (plasma ball) is send extremly fast and when it hurt an entity it explode and deal extremly big damages (50) but if it hurt a block it just make a big explosion xith blue fire and the cooldawn of this attack is smaller than 1 seconde.


alpha mod: 

when the night fury is under the middle of his life, his texture change and he become an alpha, at this moment all his stats become double, all the cooldown of his attacks is divised in two, his life is 3 times bigger and his regeneration his really better.


the other mob will just have different texture or model so i dont need help fqor them.

if someone read this and help me, know that any suggestions are good and if you send video know that im french so i dont really good understand english but im not too bad.

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a bit impossible
Wed, 03/03/2021 - 01:02

a bit impossible

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What part is impossible?
Thu, 03/04/2021 - 11:04

What part is impossible?

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Well i wouldn't say…
Thu, 03/04/2021 - 11:32

Well i wouldn't say impossible... To everything i mean you can create custom models etc but attack animations etc might need some coding to manage

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Probably possible, but it…
Thu, 03/04/2021 - 13:18

Probably possible, but it would take months of REALLY hard work and difficult procedures. You'll need to learn Java to accomplish some of that stuff. You should probably just start with the hardest thing (the dragons) and get it over with, because if you did the other stuff first and then realised the dragons were impossible, then you would have wasted hours of effort. I would not recommend doing this for a first project. Learn more about MCreator, experiment with smaller mods. Then, after learning expert Java, you can make this mod.

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Okay okay thanks, i have…
Fri, 03/05/2021 - 13:24

Okay okay thanks, i have make the biggest part of the dragon model and its look cool, i will do the mob and see what is possible and what is not.... after i will improvise or recall you

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Okay! I recommend watching…
Mon, 03/08/2021 - 17:28

Okay! I recommend watching some MCreator tutorials to help you learn how to use it.

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Mob animations are extremely…
Wed, 03/10/2021 - 13:33

Mob animations are extremely hard to to do in MCreator. You could use plugins like GeckoLib but as others said, this project is a bit complicated for a first time with coding, especially if you don't have experience. I suggest you to foccus only on easier things for now, and to create harder ones later.

Cool ideas though!

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You could make a global…
Thu, 03/11/2021 - 06:31

You could make a global variable that controls show many spawn with spawn conditions then when it spawns you could spawn the structure. Make the mob rideable and point the direction that you are facing by getting the yaw and pich of the player s head and setting the dragons position to Mach that, then for shooting you have a key binding for when you want it to shoot then spawn the entity of the fireball then make it go forward.

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Okay okay... thanks for all…
Mon, 03/15/2021 - 13:56

Okay okay... thanks for all you reply and astuces!