Stale Bot on GitHub and its closing topics

Started by Toma400 on

Topic category: General discussion

Stale Bot on GitHub and its closing topics
Thu, 07/22/2021 - 23:06 (edited)

Hello, hello, again your favourite spammer (jk, but I hope you don't mind my spam)

I am curious for a while looking at MCreator GitHub - and GitHub in general, but MCreator is the only place I see it frequently, following its 1.12.2 plugin - why is there stale bot marking issues as stale, and, eventually, closing them? Like they are not fixed, after all!

I mean, I get that it could serve as help for devs not having cluttered issues space, and may be a tool for seeing which issue is popular, so they prioritise it, but... I think it's still closing a bit too fast, and can make issues difficult to manage with all closed ones? Since closing purpose of topic is to be ended successfully, not being outdated, I think (?).

Correct me if I'm wrong and don't take it as an attack or something, it's just loose thoughts of mine on thing I don't understand (I'm even pretty newbie on GitHub and I would lie if I said I understand half of it).

Edited by Toma400 on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 23:06
Moste repos use stale bots…
Fri, 07/23/2021 - 08:45

Moste repos use stale bots. If no developer has time or interest to look into the issue, there is no use for it to be open.

Open source projects are run in free time and only things developers fix are fixed. 1.12.2 has lost all contributors afaik so the whole 1.12.2 project is stalled unless someone gets interest to work on it.

Thanks for the answer,…
Sat, 07/24/2021 - 07:51

Thanks for the answer, Klemen ^^ I was thinking more about future devs, as if someone new comes and want to fix as many bugs as possible, yet needs to search through closed stale topics to find most of the issues. But yeah, I get it, with actually living projects this can be especially useful.