Custom 3d Elytra/Armor

Published by __SK__ on
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Basic Winged Armors

Combining procedures and some extra coding custom elytra's are fully functional.

3d Winged Armors

Added 4 variations with wings, will spread in mid-air.


For flying >Sprint, then jump, and with rocket in main-hand do right click. Or jump off a cliff tap CTRL to glide. To glide, must have rocket in main-hand. Also in mid-air, just tap CTRL and with rocket in main-hand do right click. 

For landing> release "W" and tap left shift while 3-5 blocks above the ground or hold left shift to reduce speed, also will slow fall. Only works with winged armors on chest. 

3d Armors

All armors are glitch free - included in this mod are chestplates only, will continue with helmets, leggings and boots.


Cyborg Armors

Dark Prismarine
Mossy Cobblestone
Ancient Debris
Nether Brick
Red Sandstone


Custom carts

Pumpkin minecart
Remade minecart

Cargo Carts with (and they do have storage space)

Rednether Bricks
Quartz Bricks
Emerald Ores
Diamond Ores
Iron Ores
Gold Ores
Resdtone Ores
Acacia Logs
Oak Logs
Dark Oak Logs
Jungle Logs
Spruce Logs
... and more

Minecarts ... Hop in and buckle your seatbelts, you are going up!!!

The wall can be any block, but if the wall is of redstone block the minecart will travel faster. In this demo I am using ladders, already made some custom vertical rails ... they will be included for next update.


Shields will not show recipes until unlocked. Place the Acacia shield base with any shield center crafting table.


Every item has recipes and will show with JEI, to see shields recipes search for shield and click on it. Recipes will be shown if using JEI mod.


JEI recommended for recipes. How?





Rick's winged armor will be modified soon (working on it).



I will appreciate all the feedback and suggestions given. 

Modification files
3D Flying Armors by __SK__ 1.16.5 v7.jar - Added useful items, 5 Acacia Shields and 16 New custom 3d Armors with recipes. Uploaded on: 10/12/2021 - 19:43   File size: 1.29 MB
3D Flying Armors by __SK__ 1.16.5 v8.jar - Fix - Changed sprint/jump to sprint/jump/with firework rocket on main-hand for elytra flying. Disabled - elytra flying sound. Uploaded on: 10/14/2021 - 22:54   File size: 1.42 MB
3D Flying Armors by __SK__ 1.16.5 v10d_0.jar - Added 14 Custom 3d Armors, and 15 Custom Minecarts. Uploaded on: 10/29/2021 - 12:03   File size: 3.08 MB
3D Flying Armors by __SK__ 1.16.5 -forge- v11a.jar - Minecarts going up!!! ---- Issue: Carts were going up East to West, but not going up North to South. Status: Fixed Uploaded on: 01/07/2022 - 16:22   File size: 3.14 MB

Incredibly interested in how you added inventories to minecarts. I saw your guide on custom minecart models being created as blocks, so would I just add an inventory to that block?

To give inventory, instead of:

summon minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,DisplayState:{Name:"mod_id:name_of_you_previously_created_block"}}

replace it for:

summon chest_minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,CustomName:'{"text":"TYPE A CUSTOM NAME HERE"}',DisplayState:{Name:"mod_id:name_of_you_previously_created_block"}}

Now instead of a regular minecart, you will have a chest minecart (but with a custom name)

Cool mod, only problems are dubled elytra soundtrack while flying with armor and jumping while sprinting while trying to climb mountains(you start flying so you fall on block longer than without armor.)