📕 About:
Corundum Meadows - mod adding new colorful biomes, useful items, more than 20 new mobs with their own interactions and one boss, new structures, new music disc, new achievements, as well as many decorative blocks. Additionally, it also improves the standard lowland biomes.
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📕 Items
New resource. Found in caves about the same rarity as diamonds, but much more common in lowland biomes.
From corundum, you will be able to create a wide variety of useful tools that can be useful to you both in construction and in survival.
📕 Mobs
In the new meadow biomes, you can meet many new creatures that can become your loyal friend or annoying enemy.
An awesome mod that implements a ton of actually interesting features. I love pretty much all about it. The colorful new biomes are a pleasure to look at and each one has it's own personality. Quite a lot of functional features to explore as well. Definitely one of the best mods ever created around here! Keep up the good work! ;)
No problem :)