DTM's Toolkit - Attributes (v1.2.0)

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Upvotes: 81
About the plugin

DTM's Toolkit - Attributes:

Version 1.2.0:

  • Updated to work with the latest version of MCreator (2021+), Minecraft (1.16.5), and Forge!
  • Removed the "add entity dependency block" as I've since streamlined the plugin to no longer require it. ;)
  • Only two blocks remain, both allowing you to edit multiple available attributes currently within the game. 

Version 1.2.0 of DTM's Toolkit - Attributes streamlines the process by making everything very "plug-and-play", with no prior knowledge or tutorials required. Oh, and yeah...it also works on the latest version of MCreator! Do keep in mind though that every attribute has a base value, minimum value, and max value specific to itself. You can find this information here: Attribute – Official Minecraft Wiki (fandom.com).

Always refer to the attribute data sheet to make sure you don't go over or under on any of your numbers!

Version 1.1.0:

  • Combined all entity attributes in to one block!
  • Added a new "get attribute" block that allows you to get the current base value of the entity.
  • Added a brand new "add entity dependency block" in order to use the new features.

Version 1.1.0 of DTM's Toolkit - Attributes cleans up the procedures a little bit (it will require you to replace your current procedures), by combining everything in to one block! It also adds the ability to "get" the entity attribute's current base value. In order to use the procedure, please be sure to use the new "Add entity attribute dependency" block by adding it to the top of each procedure you use it in!

Please remember to use the "add entity dependency" block at the top of each procedure (or within an if block) for these new features to work!

Version 1.0.3 (first public build):

  • Set max health of entity.
  • Set armor value of entity.
  • Set armor toughness of entity.
  • Set attack damage of entity.
  • Set knockback resistance of entity.
  • Set attack speed of entity (players only).
  • Set luck of entity (players only).

Version 1.0.3 of DTM's Toolkit - Attributes offers the ability to modify many of the "SharedMonsterAttributes" shared between all living entities, allowing you to set and modify their base values. Both "attack speed" and "luck" are available only to players, while the other attributes within this version will work for any other entity, whether it be custom or vanilla.

Overtime, I'll be releasing consistent updates to this plugin. Hopefully offering multiple new procedures, triggers, and templates that may be useful to every one of you.

The next update to be released (hopefully) will finalize the "Attributes" that aren't included with this version, including movement speed, flight speed (for flying mobs), and more.

Please request any procedures you would like to see in this plugin as well, and I'll do my best to make it happen! Also, please comment about any bugs or issues you may have, and I'll look in to all of them ASAP.

You can find all the procedure blocks listed above in the custom category labeled "DTMs Toolkit" in your procedure builder.

You can install this plugin through your preferences and plugin manager, or you may just drop the ".zip" into your plugins folder, then restart MCreator.

This plugin currently supports MCreator 2020.4, 2020.5, 2021.1, 2021.2, as well as the latest snapshots and the Minecraft Forge Generator for 1.15.2 and 1.16.5.

Check out my other developments here:

- Drop The Mag

Plugin downloads
DTM's Toolkit - Version 1.2.0 - DTM's Toolkit - Attributes.zip Uploaded on: 06/22/2021 - 03:12   File size: 2.68 KB


When I clicked "save mod element" I get an error saying it couldn't build, here is the error in the build logs:
Task :compileJava FAILED
C:\Users\ashto\MCreatorWorkspaces\misc_additions_plus\src\main\java\net\mcreator\miscadditionsplus\procedures\HeartCrystalAddMaxHealthProcedure.java:7: error: a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of Attributes
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
C:\Users\ashto\MCreatorWorkspaces\misc_additions_plus\src\main\java\net\mcreator\miscadditionsplus\procedures\HeartCrystalAddMaxHealthProcedure.java:20: error: reference to Attributes is ambiguous
((LivingEntity) entity).getAttribute(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH)

Do you think this is because I am using this plug-in in 1.18.2? I copied the forge 1.16.5 folder and then renamed the new one to 1.18.2 in order for it to work, not sure if it was required though.

if you are wanting to use this
in mcreator 1.17+ there is a command named attribute
with it you can manipulate an entity stats without the need of this plugin
using execute command as entity : attribute @s(required to be @s) (attribute) base set (value)
you can check attributes here

Is this discontinued? I hope not, because dude, this plugin is awesome! I couldn't do any of this stuff alone. If you're still working on it, just a friendly suggestion. I don't want to bombard you with requests because I know you get so many, but could you possibly add a speed attribute, which increases the running speed of the player?

Will there be an update for version 2021.3? I really want to use it, but if I use it right now, the mod doesn't compile

Does this plugin work on mcreator 2021.3?
Because I'm using version 2021.3 and I need this plugin I just don't know if it works on version 2021.3 mcreator

To all: Before you post anything about update, and etc, do check of author activity.
The author isn't here since six month ago, so this plugin can be considered as ABANDONED.

There no point to ask about for update, since author isn't here for so long.

Because I'm using version 2021.3 and I need this plugin I just don't know if it works on version 2021.3 mcreator

uh hi it dose not work in my mod (it says in the log that (a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.Attributes
import java.util.jar.Attributes)
here's a pic of the procedure (ignore the part that is out of the main blocks as it was before I found this , I haven't tested it with that but I don't think it would have worked) : https://imgur.com/a/67Ii0hm