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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I need to make an enchantment that does +1 damage per enchantment level to a mob, lets say an iron golem for this example, I kind of got close with a procedure that waited 10 ticks after being hit and then dealing that damage (any less then 10 and it doesn't work) but the mobs would then take longer to attack again since entities are invincible for 10 ticks after receiving damage so I stopped using it, but the first one I used had this weird effects where a wooden sword did more damage then the diamond one and the damage would also cancel the weapon damage sometimes. So I really need to know how to make it function like smite or bane of arthropods.
Edited by Granknight on Fri, 08/16/2024 - 09:07
Ok I found a way of doing it and it works just like I want, but I would still like to see other ways of doing this, and I might find a better procedure
Please, don't duplicate topics just for sake of being seen, as I see you have seen the topic you answered before posting that one. It makes forum cluttered.
Also, as you see yourself, you found a solution after half of an hour, so it's the proof that it's not necessary to post it.
And if you are afraid of people not answering: if you make comment inside already made post, it will give notifications for all people who discussed on it before. So it's more likely that people will answer you there than on post you made because you was impatient to get an answer.
I see sorry for doing that, but at the time when I couldn't find the solution I got really mad since it should have been easy, so I made a post just in case can't get it working by myself.