
Published by werlig on
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Curses and magic is a mod that tries to expand the vanilla magic implementing 21 new enchantments and 15 new potions





  • Contact: damages enemies you collide with, damage increases by one per level


  • Anabolism: It will make you lose hunger more slowly per level


  • Bounyancy: makes you fall slowly when you're in the rain


  • Soul Edge: killing an enemy will spread wither to nearby enemies
  • Critical: increse criticals damage by +1 per level
  • Posion: poison the target with your hit, increases duration by 3s per level


  • Lightwight: slightly increases your movement speed


  •  Pulse: Blocking with the shield knocks back all enemies around you
  • Thermal Wear: Blocking an enemy attack will engulf the attacker in flames. In addition, right clicking while on fire will extinguish you and spread the fire to surrounding enemies





  • Sharpless: decreases weapon damage
  • Pulling: pull enemies towards you


  • Fragility: increases durability damage when breaking a blockIncapable: breaking a block will not drop it
  • Curse of incapability: breaking a block will not drop it


  • Curse of Stagnation: damages you when you hit an opponent


  • Exhaustion: it will lower your hunger bar faster


  • Heaviness: decreases your movement speed
  • Curse Of Ender: receives damage when you're in water





  • Reflection: has a chance to deflect enemy arrows

  • Blessing of Healing Experience: pinking up an experience orb has a chance to heal half a heart
  • Adrenalin: Getting hit while at half health grants you speed for a short period of time


  • Warrior's Blessing: killing an enemy has a chance to give you strength
  • Golden Experience: increases the amount of experience gained when killing a mob


  • Miner's blessing: breaking a block has a chance to give you haste





  • Antigravity: Sneaking will disable your gravity


  • Area Slash: right clicking causes a slash around you dealing 6 damage base to all surrounding enemies, range can be increased with sweeping edge;  Cooldown:  4s
  • Lunge:  right-clicking does a mash lunge that can reach enemies far away dealing 6 damage to everyone it pierces;  Cooldown:  3s


  • Magnetism: right clicking will attract all dropped items within in a 16 block radius.
  • Insta-Mine: right clicking a hardness 4 or lower block will break it instantly, cooldown decreases with efficiency, having Miner's blessing increases hardness tolerance by +1; Cooldown: 15s



If you find an error you can write me on twitter and you can also follow me to see the news of the mod:




Others mods: KailandMod

Minecraft mod files
Curses_and_magic_1.5.1_1.18.2.jar Uploaded on: 07/14/2022 - 12:20   File size: 255.38 KB
  • New curse Laziness: arrows go less far
  • Fixed Lightweight 

Excuse me, Do you know how to modify the chance of spells that already exist?

suggestion: with sword abilities, make them do different amounts of damage based on the base item damage, instead of a plain 6. (it is too powerful for a wood sword.)

hi Legomatt, enchantments with abilities are extremely rare, and they also have a cooldown, so it is perfectly balanced, since the better the sword, the higher your dps. Although I will keep that in mind for other enchantments

Oh, another mod from our dear Werlig! I wanted to say that the idea is amazing, but now knowing who made it, I understand fully why it is so good :3
Seems perfect for 1.17 modpack I was making for a while!