Topic category: User side tutorials
1.create a potion
When potion applied: execute command / in the name of Event/target entity
attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed modifier add 3d952521-d8be-4e6d-9906-d1fb22ca3156 vps_binoculars -1 add
When potion expires: execute command / in the name of Event/target entity
attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed modifier remove 3d952521-d8be-4e6d-9906-d1fb22ca3156
2.create an item/tool
When right clicked in air: add potion with level for 5 ticks ambient false particles false to Event/target entity type CUSTOM:BinocularsFakeEffect.
Higher ticks results in a slower reaction after release the right click, lower ticks results in zooming in and out repeatedly.
3.create an overlay
Draw a circle with an eraser on a black background and use this as an overlay image.
Display overlay in-game: Get remaining ticks of Event/target entity potion: CUSTOM:BinocularsFakeEffect > 0
Better Procedures plugin seemed not to work on Version:2021.1.18117, and neither the Trigger: On player stopped using, so there I chose a pretty classical way.
It does not really zoom in much, and the player cannot move when using; a sort of alternative to real binoculars.
UUIDs here are not fixed, you can use random UUIDs in step 1, but make sure the UUID added and removed are the same.
Can you tell we the number refer to what ?
Otherwise thanks for your Tutorial, it's have help me.
is there any way to change the zoom amount?
nevermind, i just wasnt changing the number before the 'add' at the end of the command :/
Nevernevermind, is there a way to zoom in as much as the spyglass?
The zoom level of the spyglass is 1/10th of the player's FOV, it even says so in the wiki:
that doesnt really solve the problem of how to get to that zoom level.
then you would use something like the "get player FOV" block and some other calculations
a few problems,