The Overworld Update

Published by Sky-Ninja on
Upvotes: 48
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This mod won MOTW which is awesome. Thank you everyone who downloaded, and upvoted it really is appreciated.

The Overworld Update is the first mod I have uploaded onto Mcreator and has over 1,400 (MORE TO COME) mod elements that make this mod into the mod it is right now. This mod has taken me over 6 months to develop the first working non-beta release. I really hope you enjoy all it has to offer and MORE UPDATES WILL COME. So far we have made a few versions and I plan to have many come out. Thank you for 1200 downloads! :)

This gigantic mod adds a total of:

315+ Brand New Blocks

30+ Brand New Mobs:

20+ Food Related Items

35+ New Items

7 Full New Armor Sets

5 New Armor Pieces

70+ New Weapons and Tools

9 Biomes

8 Structures

2 Events

2 Enchantments


Update 1: Thanksgiving Update

This update brings Turkeys and the Fall event into your world! With this new update, you can find Turkeys spawn naturally in your world. If you eat their meat you will set off the Fall Event turning all the leaves to orange and the world to be foggy. You must defeat the Turkey God, a new boss, to make everything go back to normal and return to the normal overworld. In order to get the Turkey God's Special drop, you must redo the fall event and use his special weapon to use it in the normal overworld.

This update added:

A turkey mob

A Turkey God Mob

Fall Leaves of the Birch and Oak type

The Thunder Axe

The Fall Event

Turkey Legs (Cooked and Raw)

Apple Pie

Mashed Potatoes and more!



Update 2: The Frigid Update

This update brings a new event into the game called the Frigid Event with Snow Enemies and new blocks. New blockmodels have been made for cannons, rugs, and more! New Structures like pirate ships can be found across the oceans, sand forts in the desert and trees in the wooded beach! New mobs in this update includes pirates, captains, and the legendary Snow Monster found in the Frigid Event! And of course, I've decided to go festive and added a whole new plethora of christmas type items with a whole armor set based on the holiday. This new update adds over 100 new things to the game! I KNOW crazy. Download the 1.1 Update to get all these brand new features.

Rugs from all Wool Colors

Wall Types for all Logs

New Structures

New Sword Types

A Flintlocke Weapon!
New Frigid Event

New Tree Types

New Mobs

and more...


Update 3: The Revisit Update

This mob redid old things I might have skipped over, or missed, such as the bark types, rune animations and I also added brand new 1.16 support for the mod.

Iceologer added as a preview to the illager update
Poison Tint sword enchantment

New Bark types

New Rune Animations

1.16 support

and more...


Update 4: The Extra Update

This update just added everything from chairs, netherite tools and weapons, and even new armor! 

New Netherite Gear

New Chairs

New Tints

New Spy Goggle Armor

Quartz Bricks Slabs and Stairs

Netherite Slabs and Stairs

Obsidian Armor

Guard Mobs that protect Villages in time of Raids.

and more...


Update 5: The Ultimate Creator Update

Launch Pad block (Launches you many blocks into the air when jumping only on that block.)

Levitation Rune (Gives you levitation when clicked for a few seconds and is stackable to 16)

New ore recipes (Useful for early game decoration and can be used for late game xp farming, by multiplying your xp intake by 125% or MORE if you have fortune.)

And more...


Update 6: Buncha Cool Stuff Update

New Prop Blocks for all Wooden Plank Types that let you walk through them (Perfect for pranks, secret bases)

Mystical, Dead, and Darkstone Buttons and Mystical / Dead Pressure Plates
Iron Rods made from Iron Ingots

New Katana Recipe and Texture

Iron Fishing Rod with double durability of a normal fishing rod

New Stonecutter Recipes for Darkstone

And like a bunch of bugfixes...


Check out my other Brand New Mod currently in Beta: Swords or Something! Or if you want a bit of Skylanders in Minecraft, try out Minelanders!

Minecraft mod files
TheOverworldUpdate1.2_0.jar - The second update, adding 1.16 support, bug fixes, new mobs, blocks, items and animations called the Revisit update. Uploaded on: 12/26/2020 - 04:42   File size: 10.94 MB
TheOverworldUpdate1.3_0.jar - The third update, adding New Chairs, Netherite Gear, bug fixes, new mobs, blocks, items and armor called the Illager Update. Uploaded on: 03/09/2021 - 18:14   File size: 13.1 MB
TheOverworldUpdate1.4.jar - The fourth update, adding Launch Pads, Levitation Runes and Ore Recipes for Survival! Uploaded on: 06/04/2021 - 02:51   File size: 13.32 MB
TheOverworldUpdate1.5_2.jar - The fifth update, adding new Prop Blocks, iron rods, new pressure plates and buttons making a Buncha Cool Stuff. Uploaded on: 09/18/2021 - 03:22   File size: 13.28 MB

1.0: This is the first stable version that is playable to all.

1.1: Added Rugs, Bark for all Trees, Cutlasses for all ore types, Fertile Snow, Frozen Weeds, Frozen Flesh, Snowy Icicle Block, Icicles, Tall Birch Forest Biome, Updated Tree for Wooded Beach biome, Sand Fort, Pirate Ship, Pirate Flintlocke and Christmas Themed Armor.

1.2: Added Bark for Mystical and Dead types, Added Iceologer to mod, introduced the poison tint enchantment doing poison damage to enemies when hit, New Rune Animations, updated to version 1.16x and fixed a multitude of bugs.

1.3: Added chair types for all wood, added Guard and mage mobs, added Obisidian armor, Deadly Flight Tint enchantment, giving levitation and dropping enemies, new bug fixes and new Spy Goggles which give Night Vision when worn.

1.4: Added Launch Pad Blocks, Levitation Runes, and Ore Recipes into Survival.

1.5: New Prop Blocks for all Wooden Plank Types that let you walk through them, Mystical, Dead, and Darkstone Buttons and Mystical / Dead Pressure Plates, Iron Rods made from Iron Ingots, New Katana Recipe and Texture, Iron Fishing Rod with double durability of a normal fishing rod, New Stonecutter Recipes for Darkstone

New Update! Check out the cool new launch pads and useful Levitation Runes along with new Survival Ore Recipes which make building with ores or XP farming much easier or efficient!

Cool Mod, Very Good Job
But I Think The texture For The Iceloger Is Broken
Idk If You Wanted To Make It Like That Or If It Is Really broken

We finally have the third update! Thank you to all who've given me a congratulations, that is greatly appreciated! Enjoy the new version featuring ILLAGERS! Finally right?