After sometime on MCreator, i've finally done it.
Miners and Crafters, Pvpers and Builders, Modders and everyone else, may I present to you:
MCreators Nether Biomes adds two new biomes to the Nether, the Twisted Forest and Lavender Forest.
The Twisted Forest is large nether forest, filled with Twisted Nylium, Twisted Wart Trees and Piglins.
The Lavender Forest is a beautiful purple biome, with lush lavender wart trees and a beautiful nylium for the ground.
Here's a preview of every block I have added to the game:
Things I plan to add are:
-More Biomes.
-More mobs.
-A type of spore for every biome.
-Fungus are bonemealable.
Bugs I need to fix at some point:
-Seeds looking the same.
The mods not done yet, I just wanted to get it out to you all.
If you get ideas or find bugs, please tell it to me. If we reach 100 downloads, I will make a Discord server.
Hope you enjoy the mod!
not being picky, because it does look quite good, but are you planning on adding another type of grass/plant for each of the forests? I presume it'd get a little old quick, just like the crimson forests, specifically for the reason that the only decoratives are a single type of nethergrass and their respective fungi.