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Topic category: Advanced modding
Hello, im working on an armorset this armor set has a part of the leggings i need to overlap like this onto the chestpiece without moving along with the legs, ive exported the two texture layers for the armor but in game the part i need to overlap from the pants doesnt show
ive tried everything ranging from redoing the entire armor model in blockbench with added"belt" piece to display it, to selecting diffrent parts when i select armor model settings. but it just never shows even if i group "belt" into a overall "pants" group with each leg also in it. is it even possible with java models to have this happen? or is it just purely impossible any help is appriciated
I was having the same issue, here's how to fix it. You'll need a bit of coding, but it's simple stuff. Go to where the files of the mod are.
Local Disk (C:) > Users > (Your User) > MCreatorWorkspaces > (Your Mod) > src > main > java > net > mcreator > (Your Mod) > item
Search for the item of your armor there, it's a java file. Open it and look for the leggings, it probably starts with "public static class Leggings extends (Name of your item)". Go where it says :
new ModelPart(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyMap()), "body",
Comment it or delete it (to comment, simply put // in front of it), then you put this line of code inside the same area:
new NameOfLayer2(Minecraft.getInstance().getEntityModels().bakeLayer(NameOfLayer2.LAYER_LOCATION)).Body,
Keep in mind that in "NameOfLayer2" you need to put the name of your blockbench model for the layer 2, the same you used for the legs. That should fix it, if you have any problem contact me and I'll do what I can to help.