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Topic category: User side tutorials
Hi everybody,
I'm here to found a solution for modify blocs from Minecraft (like Diamond_ore etc...).
I've create a mod who countain some new pickaxe and i want the diamond_ore is breakable only by this news pickaxes and not by the iron_pickaxe.
Is this possible? On more time sorry for my poor English (i'm french).
Hoping to have some solutions here, friendly, Zex_!
Try in the init method:
Blocks.Diamond_ore.setHarvestLevel(pickaxe, harvest level of your pickaxe);
Hi Nuparu00.
So u tell me to recreate the Diamond_ore block in Mcreator with the same name as the initial one, set a custom harvest level dedicated for my new pickaxe in my mod and set the same number for the Harvest lvl on the new Diamond_ore block?
Tell me if i'm in the wrong way but i'm going to try this. Thanks for your answer and see u soon for the feeback.
I've try it but it dosen't work. It create an other item diamond_ore other than the first one.
Furthermore, i've define an harvest level custom of 17 but i can mine it with a simply iron_pickaxe (harvest lvl 2)...
Have u got an other solution?
Is there an other solution than passed by Mcreator for modify an item of minecraft on 1.8?
@#2 No , you don't make new ore. You must make event handler ( For it make empty overlay) , and to the init method add the code.
@Nuparu00 HI.
Okay, but i don't understand this method.
Did u know some tutorial (if u can with screenshot or video tutorial)? I didn't know what u mean by "init method" or "empty overlay". Hopping to have your help again, see u soon and thanks again!
@#2.1 @Nuparuu00 Need a little help for your solution.
Did u know some tutorial (if u can with screenshot or video tutorial)? I didn't know what u mean by "init method" or "empty overlay". Hopping to have your help again, see u soon and thanks again!
@#2 Waiting for help, could you explain to me?