Mo´Infected Remake

Published by Cozy Glow on
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Just like Nether Update Plus, this mod is a remake of the Mo'infected mod and includes all zombie mobs and changes added in the previous updates, from new zombie skeletons to zombie golems and zombie turtles. The zombie enderman has also been changed. This one is now called the Ender Zombie


                                                                                                                 the future

there will be some changes on my account

the changes are marked with black letters

-remakes of old mods
-new mods until modfoundry is released
-2 to 3 updates of new mods and remakes
After modfoundry was published I will not upload anything here, not even remakes

Minecraft mod files
mo-infectedv1-14.jar - Mo´InfectedV1.14 New update Uploaded on: 06/28/2022 - 07:01   File size: 504.37 KB