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                                This mod is meant to be played in Singleplayer. Using this mod in multiplayer may break the mod.

                                  Versions 1.1.0 - 1.2.0 require GeckoLib 3.1.x. The linked version is the most recommended.

           (UPCOMING) Versions 1.3.0 and later require GeckoLib 4.2. The link for GeckoLib 4.2 is on the previous sentence.


Stranded is a mod inspired by Raft (and Raft Survival by G2Crafted because I liked it) that adds new items to the game and also an entire utopian dimension that is entirely flooded.




This mod modifies some vanilla recipes. Here are the following changes (as of 1.0.0)

Removed recipes for dried kelp, cooked cod/salmon, mutton, and iron nuggets

Modified recipes for steak, baked potatoes, wooden sword, fishing rod, bow, stone axe, and wooden pickaxe.

Some modified recipes are shown below:








This mod adds new stations like the Sieve (very original) and the Grill.



Right-click the Sieve with a block of sand to get quartz, gunpowder, and string.


The Grill functions like a furnace, but exclusively for food. All available food in the utopian dimension cannot be cooked in a furnace and must be cooked here.


Cooking Pot

The Cooking Pot is like a Grill, but more complicated. Combine foods for better foods, but you have to be in the menu the whole time to prevent infinite soup supply.

Things Planned for the next update

I plan on adding more islands in the next major update, 1.3.0. My plan is expanding the map a bit more (may increase loading times, however) and adding naturally generating islands. I also plan on adding another story island with a boss. I also want a new tree you can grow in your raft, some gears, new enemies, and some reworks. I also plan on adding a new item replacing the purpose of the TNT for Barconorte, since you can miss and get softlocked.



AstraLex Shaders (BSL Edit) are the shaders used for the mod's screenshots.

Raft by Redbeet Interactive (and published by Axolotl Games) and Raft Survival by G2Crafted for being able to make this mod possible.

Minecraft mod files
Stranded 1.1.1.jar - Stranded 1.1.1 - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 01/13/2023 - 05:46   File size: 2.97 MB
Stranded 1.1.2.jar - Stranded 1.1.2 - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 01/20/2023 - 04:59   File size: 3.03 MB
Stranded 1.1.3.jar - Stranded 1.1.3 - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 01/27/2023 - 19:02   File size: 3.03 MB
Stranded 1.2.0_0.jar - Stranded 1.2.0 - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 02/18/2023 - 21:26   File size: 3.17 MB


Added Cooking Pot, Notes, Advancements, Sea Scorpions, Biters, Collection Nets, Nails, Oak Boards, and Barconorte.

Oxygen Bottles now work properly.


 Barconorte was impossible because you were unable to get Flint and Steel, now possible


Added Part 1 of 1.2.0. 1.2.0 will bring a new story structure and more.


Fixed generation issues.


Fixed some issues, added Crates, T2 Barrel, Meat, Mango Trees, Mangos, Metal Rod, Scorpion Stinger, Explosive Arrow, Boom Bow, and the Tower of Telecommunications and Tuning.

One thing I noticed while testing this mod is that the water doesn't generate all the way to the world border on the black ship's side, which can break the map :)

hii im that guy from discord who helped you with some of the procedures
i really like the cooking pot model, and all da other ones too
ok byeee, also good luck for future development