Nerdy's Curios API Plugin

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
Global triggers
Java plugin
Upvotes: 195
About the plugin

This plugin has been discontinued as the official Curios API mod was discontinued after 1.20.6. You can find a compatible updated version of this plugin that uses the Adorned mod for 1.21.1 and newer here.

Upgraded and improved, Nerdy's Curios API plugin introduces a new mod element to MCreator, called the "Curios Bauble". This element allows you to create curios items that can be equipped in curios slots, and also gives you the option to render a custom 3D model on the player while worn. More functionality is provided by global triggers, procedure triggers of the element, and new procedure blocks.






You can also create your own custom slots and use them instead


This is a Java Plugin and therefore requires the Java Plugins feature to be enabled



Version 5.2 changelog
-Fixed curios baubles not being equippable in their slots

Version 5.1 changelog
-Ported to MCreator 2024.2 and neoforge 1.20.6

Version 5.0 changelog:
-Support for MCreator 2024.1
-Support for neoforge 1.20.4

Version 4.9 changelog:
-Added the curios slot mod element, so you can now use custom slots for your baubles

Version 4.8.1 changelog:
-Fixed curios element and global triggers causing build errors in 1.20.1
-Made it impossible to save curios mod elements without enabling the API first

Version 4.8 changelog:
-Support for MCreator 2023.4
-Bauble items can now have item states

Version 4.7 changelog:
-Ported to 1.20.1

Version 4.6 changelog:
-Support for 1.19.4 and 2023.2 EAP
-Dropped support for 2023.1 due to incompatibilities in the code

Version 4.5.1 changelog:
-Removed the version MCreator limit so I dont need to constantly update the plugin

Version 4.5 changelog:
-Support for the 2023.1 release

Version 4.4 changelog:
-Dropped support for 2023.1 snapshot 2
-Support for 2023.1 snapshot 3

Version 4.3 changelog:
-Dropped support for 2022.4 snapshot 1 due to incompatibilities in the code
-Updated to the 2023.1 snapshot 2
-Fixed the plugin attempting to load in unsupported versions
-Fixed the curios equip global triggers causing build errors with the world dependency

Version 4.2 changelog:

-Made model rotation while sneaking optional in bauble properties
-Made model pose translation while sneaking optional in bauble properties

Version 4.1 changelog:

-Fixed bauble models not rotating when the player sneaked.

Version 4 changelog:

-Dropped support for 1.16.5
-Dropped support for 2022.1, 2022.2
 and 2022.3 due to incompatibility in the code
-Converted to a java plugin to add a new element
-Added the curios bauble element
-Curios slots are now assigned automatically
-Added new triggers and properties for curios baubles
-Added the option to render java models while the bauble is equipped
-Updated the curios api version of 1.18.2
-Removed the duplicate bauble is equipped/unequipped global triggers
-Added 3 new procedures under the Curios API category

Version 3 changelog:

-Added support for forge 1.19.2

Version 2 changelog:

-Added curios return triggers to 1.16.5

Version 1 changelog:

-Removed support for Curio unequipped trigger for generator 1.18.2
-Added new triggers exclusive to 1.18.2 generator:
On curios slot change, return equipped item
On curios slot change, return unequipped item
-Fixed world triggers causing build error


Old tutorial for version 3:…

Plugin forum topic
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v3 (Outdated) - Uploaded on: 10/05/2022 - 12:58   File size: 11.37 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v4.5.1 (MCreator 2023.1 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 03/08/2023 - 12:14   File size: 64.74 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v4.6 (MCreator 2023.2 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 04/28/2023 - 23:38   File size: 81.33 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v4.7 (MCreator 2023.3 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 12/01/2023 - 12:36   File size: 97.83 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v4.9 (MCreator 2023.4 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 01/26/2024 - 20:10   File size: 119.9 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v5.0 (MCreator 2024.1 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 04/13/2024 - 05:23   File size: 139.56 KB
Nerdy's Curios API Plugin v5.2 (MCreator 2024.2 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 08/21/2024 - 03:22   File size: 83.84 KB


Is there a way to prevent the player from equipping multiple of the same curious bauble item? (v4.5.1)

Been having an issue when it comes to well, actually viewing the Bauble slots.

When in-game testing, the bauble slots just literally, do not show up when i click on the bauble icon. it just moves me to my inventory.

This is a suggestion to make this wonderful plugin even better.

Create an "Attributes" section in the configuration.
Create a new slot type.

These are two things.
I am waiting for a good reply!

By the way, I translated it with Deepl because I can't use English.

Is it possible to create your own type of bauble slot? Or do you have to stick with rings, charms, necklaces, etc?

I just tried to create a test item and I keep getting a compilation error? something I might have done wrong?

How would I get a curio model to move relative to a part of the player? For example, were I to make a ring, how could I get it to stay on the end of the player's hand when they attack or place a block?

When I create a ring in Forge 1.18.2, it can't compile the code for the ring the righ way. There is always an errror showing up.

This is just 1 step away from being one of if not the best plugins ever. please add the ability to render items on Blocks Please. People have begged for years for this because for those who don't know how to code this is impossible, and such a wasted opportunity for some very amazing mods. so I beg of you please add this functionality for all of us to enjoy.

want to ask is there a way to remove items from curios like remove main inv but instead of inv it the curios slots?

C:\Users\taranofs\MCreatorWorkspaces\e\src\main\java\net\mcreator\e\item\ error: cannot find symbol pls help

How i can create procedure like: If ... Put (bauble) in (number of curios slot)?

When I open MCreator with this plugin (on the latest patch) it fails to load, and says it is an incompatible version.

Small, non-urgent issue. Curios API will occasionally fail to load properly in the latest update of Mcreator. Normally after restarting the program it works just fine. So apart from that small thing, this plugin is defiantly one of the best on the website

Having a issue with the pivot points. some of my curios work just fine at first, but when i equip multiple they change

thus far its only happening with my belt. works fine until i equip a second curio
1.18 and on the newest version of mcreator and this plugin

Hi Nerdy! İ just want to ask , is it possible to use animated models on curios , if it is possible how can i ? if not are u gonna add that feature ?? btw love u <3