Gwen's Superflat Survival Plus

Published by GweniWendi on
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A mod originally made for Enhancing the superflat survival experience in small but noticeable ways. This mod has expanded beyond that. This mod includes dirt slabs and walls, rocks which can be obtained from dirt on a random chance basis, these rocks can be used to craft gravel, in a recipe to make cobblestone as all as in a recipe for a new cooking station called a firepit which is crafted from 1 torch 4 rocks and 1 cobblestone. this mod also adds an item you can craft called prepared rotten flesh which can be cooked into zombie jerky via the firepit. this mod also adds a way to get emeralds from wandering traders, but not for free, and much more!




For bug reports, suggestions, and to contact me feel free to join my discord!


Dorcamo redid many of the textures.

Modification files
Gwens_Superflat_Survival_Plus_Version_1_1_3_for_Minecraft_Java_1_20_1_Forge.jar - Fixed ceramic bucket and a few other bugs Uploaded on: 12/16/2023 - 09:56   File size: 18.34 MB
Gwens_Superflat_Survival_Plus_Version_1_1_2_for_Minecraft_Java_1_20_1_Forge.jar - bugfixes and increased hammer durability Uploaded on: 12/14/2023 - 09:41   File size: 18.32 MB
Gwens_Superflat_Survival_Plus_Version_1_1_1_for_Minecraft_Java_1_20_1_Forge_0.jar Uploaded on: 12/12/2023 - 10:46   File size: 18.32 MB
Gwens_Superflat_Survival_Plus_Version_1_1_0_for_Minecraft_Java_1_20_1_Forge.jar - Update to 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 12/08/2023 - 08:34   File size: 6.94 MB
Gwens_Superflat_Survival_Plus_Ver_1.0.3_Forge_1.19.2.jar - Final 1.19.2 update (outside of bugfixes) Uploaded on: 04/20/2023 - 20:35   File size: 6.17 MB

Version 1.0.1 added:
- Ceramic armor, shovel, sticks, plates, hoe, shears, doors, trapdoors, window

-Brick version of the firepit

- added crafting recipe for dirt walls

- dirt stairs


Version 1.0.2 added:

-Ceramic shield

-Ceramic Pot (storage item like a chest)

-sand clump(can drop from soil)

-added bone as rare soil drop

-glass shards (obtained by either smelting clumps of sand at a firepit or by breaking glass)

-ceramic knife added

- spears (ceramic and stone) added

-added ceramic glaze (will have uses in future updates) and also a variant for each dye color that can be used to "dye" ceramic armor and ceramic pots


Version 1.0.3 added


- rebalences of many mechanics

--more food

-Repair Station!


-bone knife

-more items

-more spear tiers

-Recipes unlocking properly 

-starting stuff (incase you forgot to enable a bonus chest)

--and much more!



Version added


- multiple bugfixes

--fixed the model of the repair station

-added forge common tags for compatibility with other mods



Version 1.0.4 added


- bugfixes

- sound fix for firepit

-texture upgrade and updates made by Dormaco!

Version 1.1.0 added

Upgrade to Minecraft 1.20.1

- Made a new crafting station called a kiln, which can smelt ceramics at heightened speeds as well as is a way to make lava [fill a crucible with rocks, put it through, then it makes a crucible of magma, which can be used to make a magma block or combined with slime balls to make a magma cream, you can put the crucible of magma back into the kiln to get a crucible of lava, then you can put 8 crucibles of lava around a bucket to make a bucket of lava]

- rebalanced appearance of wander trader [extra appearances from mod were a little too off]

- add more wandering trader trades [more ways to get emeralds, a way to get apples outside of oak saplings, and a new tree type you can get from it called a flatbush]

- Added firebrick building blocks: Block, slab, stairs, and wall

- Ceramic Bucket

- a way to get deepslate, red sand, soul sand, and a balanced way to get diamonds, via getting a rare item caled diamond shards from deepslate.

- new types of sand! [Green, Gilded, Obsidian, Glistening, and burning]

- add more food options 
  - Villager Flesh 
  - Llama Meat
  - Dandelion salad
  - Bottle of milk
  - Tea [gotten from flatshrub]

- New building block called thatch, make 4 thatch blocks from 4 hay blocks, make thatch slabs, thatch stairs, thatch doors, and a thatch trapdoor!

- New way to make string! take any raw meat and a knife in a crafting grid, then you get sinew, then you use sinew to make string.


- Bugfixes and rebalances

Versions 1.1.1 Added

- added new sand [End Sand] [Additionally a way to get Endstone][Clumps of endsand drop from endermen]

- add new sandstone types [Green,Gilded,Obsidian{Way to get obsidian}, and Glistening]

- added new food option [Enderman Meat]

- Fixed Flatshrub errors I noticed

- Copper tools 

- Endersick potion effect and endersick potion


I had a similar idea to the jerky, called rotten jerky. Rotten flesh in furnace or kill a Husk. Also soggy flesh. (kind of self explanatory, kill drowned to get. also cook it for normal rotten flesh). Had a similar mod idea, too. Great mind think alike!

anyone who downloaded it within the last 20 minutes please redownload the latest version, I accidentally forgot the clay rod recipe but that is fixed now