Geometrical Templates Pack

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 43
About the plugin

This pack contains 1593 awesome templates free to use for making textures for your mod.

Current Version: 2.16


=== How to install ===

  • Video Tutorial Here
  • Download the "Download" file and put the texures into the C:\Users\<your username>\.mcreator\templates\textures\texturemaker. then restart the mcreator and it should work.
  • Optionally You can download the "Armor" zip file and copy the .png files to the Armor Templates or "armormaker" folder.
  • The "Editor" file is for modifying the texture outside the MCreator.

     File types for the "Editor":

  • .png (textures/templates)
  • .kra (for editing textures) [editor only]
  • .txt (some usefull information) [editor only]

=== How to use ===

=== Provided Templates ===

  • Blocks
    • Noise texture
    • Bricks Patterns (flat, shiny, noise, shadow, metal, wooden)
    • Flowers (dandelion, rose)
    • Crafters (Crafting Table, Furnace)
    • Glass
    • Pattern blocks
    • Ore
    • Resource blocks
    • ...And Others
  • GUI: 
  • Items
    • Food (fruits, vegetables, bread, fish, cake, pie etc.)
    • Tools (sword, axe, fishing rod, pickaxe, doubleaxe, hammer, rapier, hoe, shovel, bow, shears, mattock, arrows etc.)
    • Armor (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots)
    • Gems 
    • Metal (plates, raw metal, ingots, nuggets etc.)
    • etc.
  • Symbols
  • Patterns
  • Armor

=== Support ===

If you want to support me you can credit me in text. i made 3 photos you can use to credit me and to add a good look to the page:

You can also support me with ideas for textures. You can't support me with money.

=== Connected plugins ===

Geometrical GUI Pack by SparkleArts

Provides the MCreator Community various and unique Textures for the GUI.

=== About Copyright ===

This textures are free to use without any limitation of using. All textures are draw manually by me and doesn't intend to steal textures. In case the textures made by me violate the rights to someone elses, the texture will be taken down and a different one may appear in its place. Also you can't change the copyright of these textures in case you using them, everyone has equal rights over these textures.

MIT License

Plugin downloads
Download - geometrical pack Uploaded on: 03/17/2024 - 10:27   File size: 1.26 MB
Armor - geometrical pack armor Uploaded on: 03/17/2024 - 10:27   File size: 13.15 KB
Editor - geometrical pack editor Uploaded on: 03/17/2024 - 10:27   File size: 2.06 MB


To everyone:
That is only Textures and so it's universal. This means you don't need to care about the MCreator Version or the Generator because these Textures are Templates, do you understand? These Templates are global and can work with every MCreator Version and Generator.

if i installed it previously how do i update with new textures?

You can update by removing the old textures and adding the new textures... (be careful if you have textures from other plugins)
Or by directly dragging the textures into the texture folder and selecting to replace the old textures.
The thing with the second option is that if the textures got renamed or removed in the new update, it will still keep that old textures.

This is particularly good, but I hope you can create a package that can truly replace the templates in the zip ""(I don't know if I wrote a wrong name of the zip

Did you installed it correctly? I have to mention that this isn't technically a plugin (more like a resource pack) and is installed differently from the normal plugins. There is a tutorial above that you can follow. It shouldn't give any error message because it isn't containing any code.

Hey @cristalpower2
Could you change GamesofFreak to SparkleArts? I requested my Username to SparkleArts :)

Can I make an Addon Plugin for you Templates Pack? I wanna add some additional Images for GUI and edit some Images you provide.

i like the textures, they're very nice, but are you sure you needed 9 types of helmet + 9 types of helmet bright?

@elisei121 can you add textures from Chisel Mod?

Chisel Mod: