Immersive Eating turns all Minecraft food into cakes! In other words, now all foods (with some exceptions) have their own unique 3d model.
(Development on this mod is currently paused, I am pretty comfortable with the state of this mod and I'm currently working on bigger projects. Thank you so much for MOTW, it really means a lot.)
- To place your food, hold it in your main hand and shift+right click the ground.
- To eat your food, right click it with an empty hand.
- To pick up your food, shift+right click it with an empty hand or holding a copy of the food. (All food blocks are unbreakable)
- You cannot pick up half-eaten food blocks.
- You can eat all food blocks with a full hunger bar.
- Make eating more "immersive".
- Roleplay purposes.
- Decoration purposes.
Other Changes
- Cakes now act like food blocks. (Unbreakable, shift+right click to pick up, eat with full hunger, etc.)
- Note that, while shift+right clicking half-eaten cakes will not pick them up, you will still take a bite.
- Melon blocks can now be eaten in 5 bites and now only drop 5 melons.
- You can still break melon blocks, yielding drops depending on the number of bites.
- Melon blocks can now be crafted with 5 melons.
- Added the /hunger command, write a value between 1-20 to set your hunger bar to that number. (e.g "/hunger 15" sets your bar to 15 hunger)
- You can also write "full", "half" or "empty".
Food not Implemented
- Suspicious Stew.
- "Poison" Foods. (Pufferfish, Rotten Flesh etc.)
- Raw Meats and Fish.
- Chorus Fruit.
- Changed texture and model of the Sweet Berries block
- Added block for Notch Apple
can you make compatibility with placeable items? (uses shift click to place things as well but cannot be eaten when placed)