Pehkui Scaling & Attribute Procedures [NeoForge 1.20.4, NeoForge 1.20.6, Forge 1.20.1]

Published by MinoBanana on
Supported MCreator versions
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Upvotes: 17
About the plugin

A Plugin For Resizing & Editing Your Mobs 


Supports Versions: 1.20.1, 1.20.4, 1.20.6


Ever wanted to resize your mobs? Change their step-height? Well with Pehkui Scaling & Attribute Procedures you can!



Begin by enabling Pehkui by navigating to the top right --> click workspace settings --> external API's

enable pehkui


--Editable Attributes--

You can currently edit the following attributes for mobs

Attributes LIst


--Procedure Overview--

To alter a specific mobs attribute, use the Event/Target Entity version of the scale block

Event Target Entity Attribute Editing



To alter the attributes of all entities of a given type (must be already spawned and rendered) use the following block

Apply to all entities


--Reset Attribute--

To reset an attribute of a mob, use the reset block and select your mob / use an Event Target.

Reset procedure blocks


--Randomize Attribute--

You can randomize attributes using the following procedure block, selecting the operation, entity type, and attribute type. Ensure you define a proper max and min value.

Attribute randomization




Change Log Version 1.0.1:

  • Switched from Having to Type Out the ModID and EntityID to Being Able to Select It Instead (THIS VERSION HAS A FEW BUGS IN IT)


Change Log Version 1.0.2:

  • Fixed Bugs With Certain Entities Not Scaling
  • Added Ability to Target Specific Instances of Entities
  • Changed Color of Scaling Blocks


Change Log Version 1.0.3:

  • 2024.1 Support


Change Log Version 1.0.4:

  • Added the following new attributes: attack, attack_speed, block_reach, defense, entity_reach, health, jump_height, knockback, model_height, model_width, hitbox_height, hitbox_width, step_height, view_bobbing
  • Added new multiply, divide, subtract, set, randomize, and reset blocks
  • Added support for Neoforge 1.20.4


Coming Soon

  1. Fabric Support and 1.19.4 support
Plugin forum topic
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
(2023.4) Pehkui Scaler by MinoBanana - Uploaded on: 01/27/2024 - 04:01   File size: 4.84 KB
(2023.4) UPDATED VERSION 1.0.1 - Uploaded on: 02/02/2024 - 17:25   File size: 5.05 KB
(2023.4) UPDATED VERSION 1.0.2 - Many Bug Fixes + Target Specific Entities - Uploaded on: 02/05/2024 - 00:39   File size: 8.3 KB
(2024.1) - UPDATED VERSION 1.0.3 - Added Support for Mcreator 2024.1 - Uploaded on: 04/14/2024 - 13:18   File size: 8.35 KB
(2024.1) - UPDATED VERSION 1.0.4 - Added Support for Neoforge 2024.1 and New Attributes - Uploaded on: 05/29/2024 - 10:21   File size: 28.83 KB
(2024.2) - UPDATED VERSION 1.0.5 - Added Support for Neoforge 2024.2 and NeoForge 1.20.6 - Uploaded on: 07/25/2024 - 10:35   File size: 37.64 KB


doesn't seem to work with my mobs. Put all in lower case and tried various ways with no success. The procedure is called when the entity is hurt and everything else in the procedure works fine, just not the scaling. I'm trying this with Forge 1.20.1 and MCreator 2023.4. Is there some other step that isn't mentioned above?

I would like to know if there is a way to reduce the entity, for example I tested it with 0.5, but the player remained normal size

Now with the update my question is how to change the player's size, because in the "data list entry selection" I didn't find the player entity.

You could continue having this data list and use the "minecraft components" event/target entity, source entity, immediate source entity, entity iterator

and thanks for your attention, I loved your plugin, I spend a lot of time playing with it and its uses.

Just a question, you don't have to but, will you ever port this plugin to versions like 1.16.5 and 1.18.2 whenever you're free

You can use datalists to obtain registry names of entities (vanilla and custom) so users don't have to enter names manually

I'll change it, but what is the datalist for all entities? I found customEntity for modded ones, and entities for vanilla ones but not one for both. Also does it return the entity with the modID? Because I need that as well to pass into the command