End Lore

Published by dave on
Upvotes: 3
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IMPORTANT if You want to run this mod u need to instal GeckoLib link to mod page:  https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib

Is highly recommend using JEI mod

I added thinks from undertale so Undertale is created by Toby Fox


this mod is created by me and
 My Friend Norifek also polacq help
My modification implementing a new end located on the surface
 actualy rebuild all minecraft mechanic to give new fresh experiance now to mine u need to use drills and it have charge machanic so u don't need to craft pickaxes and adds a dozen mobs and a lot of anilmals , items, armor, procedures, several bosses and food



tutorial: warning bad english https://youtu.be/vrr6UUtWOa8


The mod adds a new token mechanic, which allows players to be rewarded for killing mobs. With coupons, you can buy ores and items when the settler has a bankBlock profession.

I added the limbo dimension, you have 0.2% to enter the dimension after death experimental


Addons for endlore List:

  1. ,,WuMagic Misslands" https://mcreator.net/modification/108913/wumagic-misslands

so don't be afraid that it's over


I won't explain the rules because I might spoil the fun, play as you want 
there are a lot of things you have to guess


Join my Discord group u can add your ideas here


Mod will be updated once a month or even faster 
also available on curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/end-lore

if are you want to support my work
donate me on



Minecraft mod files
ender_lore-3.5.1.jar Uploaded on: 03/14/2024 - 12:47   File size: 8.09 MB
ender_lore-3.5.1_0.jar Uploaded on: 03/14/2024 - 13:34   File size: 8.09 MB
ender_lore-3.5.2.jar Uploaded on: 03/15/2024 - 14:03   File size: 8.15 MB
ender_lore-3.5.3-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 07/29/2024 - 19:14   File size: 8.06 MB
ender_lore-3.5.5-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/02/2024 - 08:42   File size: 8.06 MB
  • February 19, 2024
    I added some new Sculk blocks
    including a new tree with a new type of wood related to the previously mentioned sculk

    now a new (altruistic) biome appears on the surface

    I improved some structures
    I  add a new 3 mobs
    -Soul fox
    I add few Blocks
    new soul drop mechanic 
    few craftinf for spawner eggs
    new tokens added and tokens now drop out of blocks 3.0.4vr
    masive Bug fix mor receptures and balance staff, rework some components3.0.5vr
    masive Bug fix new dimension ai improvements some beta content  components3.0.9vr
     replace 3D textures with normal swords
     replace 3D textures with normal pickaxe
     replace 3D textures with normal axes
    new undead mob and shiel + some balance changes
    new enchant + try to fix de** pickaxes

If someone think mining is bugged so i give you hint "drill"