MC Plus

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Now with MCPE and MC Java you can create ANYTHING you can can imagine!

Just in a couple clicks!

on both Forge and MCPE Addon

4 downloadable files at the start



Adds multiple wood types for tools (Bedrock Edition Addon v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds fire, emerald, ruby (Java Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x and Bedrock Addon v1.0.1-v1.x.x), etc tools (Bedrock Edition Addon v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds soggy grass,log,leaves (Bedrock Edition Addon v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds teacher villager profession and trades (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds painted woods (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds Entity lab block and /+ command (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x and v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds a menu for the /+ command (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds more accessible features related to MC Education Edition (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x and v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds a new music disk called, "Sometime" that plays MC Java Edition credits music (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds new gui based on the MCPE friend feature that includes, adding friends, blocking,reporting,hiding people, and deleting/creating/logging-into your/a(n) account (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds a(n), "Delete your account" feature that gives y/n questions of if you're sure you want to do it(x2) and gives options to Sign up or sign in (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds quick settings and a quick settings keybind (+) (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds a new, "Please select a person" error if you try doing a profile options without selecting a player (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds a loading feature for the quick settings when you press the, "+" key (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.2-v1.x.x)

Adds colored buckets (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Adds more biomes like Grass fields (Java Edition Forge Mod v1.0.1-v1.x.x)

Minecraft mod files
minecraftplus-1.0.2.jar - MOD v1.0.2 FORGE Uploaded on: 11/03/2023 - 22:35   File size: 2.87 MB
minecraftplus-1.0.1.jar - MOD v1.0.1 FORGE Uploaded on: 11/03/2023 - 22:35   File size: 2.75 MB
mcpe_plus-1.0.0.mcaddon - ADDON v1.0.0 MCPE Uploaded on: 11/03/2023 - 22:36   File size: 94.49 KB
mcpe_plus-1.0.1.mcaddon - ADDON v1.0.1 MCPE Uploaded on: 11/03/2023 - 22:36   File size: 216.08 KB
  • Creation
  • Added 4 downloadable files to the modification.
  • (In order) Added FORGE MC+ v1.0.1 < Added FORGE MC+ v1.0.2 < Added MCPE MC+ v1.0.0 < Added MCPE MC+ v1.0.1
  • Added images
  • Mod published
  • Fixed supported Minecraft version
  • Changed some thumbnails due to the MCreator rules
  • Listed more features
  • Changed the way the list of features appear

yall for some reason i never listed the forge version or minecraft version so i'm very sorry if you can't run this file!