MCreator generator plugin for Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 Java Edition mods/Datapack.
How to install
Please check for installation guide.
This Generator is built over the old official generator, but this one is NOT official, and is not being maintained by the MCreator Team.
- From MCreator 2023.1 upwards the generator works better if the old biome generation is present
- Bipeds texture 32x32 -> 64x64
- From MCreator 2023.4 upwards to refer to all the biomes of a dimension just put the "mod_id:is_yourdimensionid" tag
- From MCreator 2024.2 the folders where the textures are contained have changed: Blocks -> Block, Items -> Item, this change is necessary to have the functionality to refer to vanilla Minecraft textures
More documentation on generators
Check MCreator's wiki for more documentation: How to make new generator
My Other Generators:
- Minecraft Forge 1.12.2 Java Edition Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.15.2 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.17.1 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.18.2 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.19.2 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft Forge 1.19.4 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
- Minecraft NeoForge 1.20.4 Java Edition/Datapack Generator
My Other Plugin:
Why should i use this generator?
If you are using this version of minecraft, you will have many more features than those present in MCreator 2022.2, the generator will have full support so if there are any bugs they will be fixed etc. (unlike 2022.2 which is no longer supported). The generator also has a lot of backports (from new versions of MCreator to this one) regarding bug fixes on the generator. If you want to export your mod for multiple versions this generator is for you!
You are welcome to support this project by opening pull requests.
NOTE: Plugin versions that use versions older than MCreator 2024.4 will no longer be supported
- MCreator 2024.4 Support!
- MCreator 2024.3 Support!
- Bug Fixes
- MCreator 2024.2 Support!
- Bug Fixes
- MCreator 2023.4 Support!
- MCreator 2023.3 Support!
- MCreator 2023.2 Support!
- MCreator 2023.1 Support!
- Bug Fix
Hello, I wanted to retry using the 2023.3 version of this plugin(so i could port a mod to 1.18.2) but anytime i do anything related to spawning an entity, it always makes an error like this
Something similar also happens whenever I do something relating to Math and clearing slots in a GUI(can't find the error right now) among others. I have NO other plugins installed, it is just this one
Closer to finding the reason why this doesn't work in older versions, when I view the procedure from the generated code viewer, the procedure is just straight up blank, while this was fixed in the 2024.2 version, still present within older version(especially since there's no 2024.2 for 1.18.2, so I have to use the older version)
Hello again, I was upgrading my MCreator from 2023.1 to 2023.3 and then while everything was porting, an error occurred with the main problem saying "Failed to apply plugin 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'.
Found Gradle version Gradle 8.3. Versions Gradle 8.0 and newer are not supported.
Use ForgeGradle 6 or newer for Gradle 8.0+ support."
I've tried deleting caches in the gradle folder and the gradle folder itself as well as making a brand new workspace and it doesn't seem to work. I can't use 2023.4 or above either since your 1.18.2 plugin aren't on those versions yet.
It's very good generator! But I have a trouble with Java models. I export a java model from blockbench with export version "1.15-1.16 MCP" and after building a project in MCreator I get this error:
"error: net.mcreator.testbeb.client.model.Modelscp is not abstract and does not override abstract method setRotationAngles(T,float,float,float,float,float) in net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.model.EntityModel
public class Modelscp<T extends Entity> extends EntityModel<T> {"
I search all MCreator posts from community and I didn't found anything. Only about export version that "u need export 1.15-1.16 MCP" BUT I Done that!
I tested the generator with my mod which has around 2500 elements and never gave errors in 2024.2