This plugin add procedure for set player body and arms pose and rotate player model parts!
With this plugin you can call vanila Animations without external API's!
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More procedures and triggers for poses with CAS
- set player pose.
- get player pose.
- set arm pose
- copy model
- get rotation
- set rotation
Supports versions:
All versions that Mcreator supports, including plugins
Hey man, I'm trying to make a procedure that plays an arm animation if a certain item is being held, but I've noticed that you mentioned an "Arms" dependency, but I can only find the "Model" one, and if I try to run the game, mcreator says that this procedure didn't compile properly, and i cant aply it to the item's on hand tick trigger because it is missing dependencies. I'm using the 1.7 version of the plug-in on 2024.2 version of mcreator on 1.20.1, here's the image of the procedure:
2024.2 / forge 1.20.1
I made a procedure : set LEFT arm pose SPYGLASS for Arm Model Dependence Arms . with global trigger Render Player(just like your pic shows).
It cant save , said : External trigger you selected doent provide all the dependencies your procedure requires.
Whenever I load a world, the procedure crashes my game when a certain mob spawns (Witches, Cows and Sheeps, those we're indentified in the build log to be the reason of the crash in different worlds, but it depends of the world apparently) due to some rendering error, I'm using the Render Entity and I tried putting the "If Event/target entity is the same as Player'" block just to make sure but it didn't help.