Player Animator API somehow messing up Geckolib Entities

Started by Isalick34 on

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Player Animator API somehow messing up Geckolib Entities

One of my Geckolib entities gets semi-corrupted if I enable the Player Animator API for some reason, and it didn't fix after disabling it. My only solution is to make a new identical Entity with a different ID.


I get a ton of errors saying "cannot find symbol", the first one being this:

C:\Users\xxxxx\MCreatorWorkspaces\modname\src\main\java\net\mcreator\modname\init\ error: cannot find symbol public static final DeferredHolder<EntityType<?>, EntityType<MokeBasketballEntity>> MOKE_BASKETBALL = register("moke_basketball",


I noticed too that the Entity disappears from the list of imports in the file

Joined Oct 2021

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lol, they're actually both…
Thu, 12/12/2024 - 16:02

lol, they're actually both by the same author