More Advancements!

Published by iFamished on
Upvotes: 4
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Adds many more advancements to the game!


Shell Shocked: Acquire a Turtle Shell
Tastes like chicken!: Eat a Spider Eye
Straight from a Myth: Who knew solid gold could taste so good?
Now Can I Sleep Safely?: Leave the Nether
Gold Age: Obtain a form of refined Gold
Engineering Age: Place a Repeater
Advanced Technology: Place a Comparator
Sci-Fi Gadgets: Hold a Redstone Block, Torch, Dust, Lamp, Dispenser, Hopper, Dropper, Comparator, and Repeater in your inventory.
Pyrokinesis: Make a fire using Flint and Steel
Hydrokinesis: Control the flow of Water
Telekinesis: Place a Sticky Piston
How is this better than a Torch again?: Obtain a Redstone Torch
Chilly!: Place Blue Ice
Terraforming: Place dirt
Let There Be Light: Too bright! Too bright!
YUM: Who knew enchanted solid gold could taste better then regular solid gold???
Stonesmith: Smelt Stone into its smooth varient.
Isn't it Gold Pick: Yeah it's faster but... Not sure if you want to use it to mine anything valuable...
Digger: I love you Digger!
I can finally sleep!: Leave the End
Moody Vibes: Place a Soul Campfire
This Isn't That Bad: Enter the Badlands biome
I Don't Feel So Good...: Consume Rotten Flesh
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich: Have Bread and Cooked Chicken in your inventory
Cover Me In Metal: Craft a full suit of Iron Armor
Who's the cow now?: Craft a full suit of Leather Armor
Clank, Clank, Clank!: Craft a full suit of Chainmail Armor
Piglin-Proof: Craft a full suit of Golden Armor
All The Dust: Obtain Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust, and Lapis Lazuli Dust
Shocking Discovery: So this is what it's like to be a witch...
Magnet For Trouble: Get hit by an Iron Golem with a Lodestone in your inventory


This mod is canceled because I lost the workspace. If you would like a remake of the mod, please let me know! When this mod gets 15+ upvotes, I will recreate this mod.

Minecraft mod files
More Advancements! - Mod V1.0.1 Minecraft V1.20.6 (Newest!) Uploaded on: 09/03/2024 - 17:43   File size: 15.44 KB
More Advancements! 1.0.0 - Mod V1.0.0 Minecraft V1.20.6 (Old) Uploaded on: 09/01/2024 - 21:01   File size: 15.44 KB

1.0.1     Fixed bugs

Working on this mod again! Check out my mods at