A Mod that adds whole new content to minecraft
By improving reworking and adding new things (Specialy redstone)
All of items have cool features and can be used in every way
This my First Ever Mod so make sure to leave a feedback in comments
Mod its still in development so you can expect a Updates loaded with content and changes
Fun fact:
Thie first version of mod has been created in one week
Version 1.1.4 - Enchanting Anniversary Drop + 1.1.5 News
First Update to this Mod in 2025 that adds Enchants for first time and couple cool stuff
(Sorry For VERY Delayed Update , it Was Meant to be released Exactly at January 13th but i had Some stuff happening during that, also this drop was meant to be bigger but some features got delayed for 1.1.5)
3 new Enchants:
- "Collective Cut"
Can be applied on Garden Shears
Block Drops itself after right-clicking on it
- "Yielding Edge"
Can be applied on Shears
Some Blocks can drop addtional drop of specfic blocks ( works on any leaves , any wool , nether wart block , hologramic cobweb , hologramic wool , cobweb)
with a chance:
Yielding Edge 1 - 15%
Yielding Edge 2 - 30%
Yielding Edge 3 - 45%
- "Distant Slash"
Can be applied on any Sword
makes any sword to have an ability to make a range sweep attack upon right click
Distant Slash 1 - sweep attack deals 3.5 damage
Distant Slash 2 - sweep attack deals 4.2 damage
Distant Slash 3 - sweep attack deals 4.6 damage and has 50% chance to give glowing effect upon hit
Distant Slash 4 - sweep attack deals 4.6 damage and has 50% chance to give slowness effect upon hit
Distant Slash 5 - sweep attack deals 5 damage and has 33% chance either for glowing or slowness 2 upon hit
Added Speaker Block with 5 sound types (chime , bell , bit ,click , banjo)
Added Rooted Bush Block
Added Hedge
Added Color Variants of Hologramic Blocks
Added Entity Detector
Added Hologramic Sleeping Bag
Added Items for Distant Slashes sweep Attacks (Operator Tab Items)
Added 3 New Advancments
Added 1 New Painting:
- "Birthdays"
{ Garden Shears got Overhauled:
- Its Now classified as a Tool and weapon
- Breaks Leaves and Wart Blocks Faster
- Attacking Entity with it makes a Sound
- Has Chance to deal Bonus Damage to entities ( 90% - 0.5 Damage , 10% - 4 Damage)
- Brand New icon for this Mod
- Reversing Table Now has a Sound when you use it
- Keybind "Dash" is now named as "Dash/ Water Dash"
- Some Viusal Improments to few Messages for some Actions
- Updated Few Textures ( Every Effect Pad , Power Box , Iron crate , Iron Chiseled Bricks , Iron Bricks)
- Bug Fixes (Especialy One Where Regeneration Pad turned into Immunity Pad)
1.1.5 News:
So Since This Small Drop Took a bit to Release, ill Share Some Info About 1.1.5 :
- Will be bigger than 1.1.4
- Will be Last Sub-Update of 1.1.0 and after it 1.2.0 will be worked on
- will add more items comparing to 1.1.4
- Some Blocks will be Expanded
- It will Most Likely be Released Before Easter
Version 1.1.3 - Hologramic Christmas Drop
Added Led lights (with 17 color varriants)
Added more Bleached / Charred Blocks {
- Sapling (can be put in flower pot)
- Leaves
- Dirt
- Grass Block
- Flower (can be put in flower pot)
- Tree (Only Obtained By sapling)
Added Square / Heart / Star shaped lights
Added Hologram Grapling Hook
Added Metal Hook
Added Candy Cane
Added Hologramic Candy Cane
Added Carbon Steel {
-Raw Carbon Steel
-Carbon Steel Ingot
-Carbon Steel Nugget
-Carbon Steel Armor
-Carbon Steel Equipment
-Carbon Steel Block
-Raw Carbon Steel Block
Added Wrist Shield
Added Hologramic String
Added Hologramic Rope
Added Hologramic Wool
Added Hologramic Carpet
Added Connected Scifi block
Added Iron / Gold Pillar
Added Chiseled Iron Bricks
Added Granite Tiles {
Added Air Launcher Block
Added Garden Shears
Added Bush Block
Added Overpowered Garden Shears (Operator Tab Item)
Added 7 New Advancments
Added New Structure "Scientific Greenhouse"
- Can Be found in "Dark Forest , Cherry Grove , Old Growth Pine Taiga "
Added 2 New Paintings
- "Modernity"
- "Snowy Landscape"
Creative tab:
order of tabs got rearranged a bit
Changed Color of Night Vision and Charged Essence Blocks , Effect Pads , Essences (Item , Buds and cluusters) to distinguish them from water breathing and glowing ones
Metal Scraps now can be crafted
Lenses Music Disc is now foundable only in new structure
Crafting Recipe of Lenses Music Disc got removed
For the last time changed iron brick texture
Now Shield Doesnt give you same effects as hologram shield do [BugFix]
More Bug fixes
and more = )
Version 1.1.2 - Spooky Holloween Drop
Added Hologramic Carved Pumpkin
Added Hologramic Jack'o Lantern
Added Hologramic Cobweb
Added Shadow Elixir
Added Polished Calcite
Added 2 New Paintings
- "The Creature"
- "Colorful Blast"
Creative tab:
Added 4 new tabs
"effect pads - items"
"effect pads - related"
"effect pads - decoration blocks"
effect pads - functional blocks"
to make searching for specfic type of item faster
Added search bar to " Effect Pads " tab
Altered Calcite Bricks Texture to match polished Calcite texture
Wrench Got Custom Model
Effect Pads Now Activate When Redstone Block Is Underneath it [BugFix]
Improved Recipe Unlocking
Messanges From Starting Potion Effect: Dash , Water Dash , Charged , Explosive Got Improved To look Smooth and nicer
Paintings : "The Depths" , "Pines" , "Future" Got Refreshed To Be More Readable
Black Tulip Is Now Able to Be Put in Flower Pot
Sticky Pistons Are Now can Be Created By Right-Clicking Piston With SlimeBall
Updated Few Item Models To look Better in Item Frames
Version 1.1.1 - Tweaks and Explosions Update
Added 5 New Potions
- Purification "Instatnly Removes Effects"
- Water Dash "Water Based Version Of Dash Effect"
- Charged "DisCharging On R clicked"
- Explosive "Exploding On R clicked"
- Immunity "Invincible For Specific Time"
Added 2 New Effect Pads , Essences
- Immunity
- Charged
Added Reversing Table
Added Redstone Hologramic Light
Added Hologramic Land mine
Added Upgraded Hologramic Land mine
Added Detonator
Added Attachable Exploding Device
Added 10 Blocks with Explosives
These Blocks are: Grass Block , Dirt , Stone, Cobblestone , Smooth Stone , Netherrack, StoneBricks, Deepslate, Cobbled Deepslate , Bricks
Added Budding Crystal Table
Added Essence Blocks , Clusters , Large/Medium/Small Buds
Added Destroyed Power Box
Added Metal Scrap
Added Hologramic Apple
Added Music Disc "Lens"
Added Decoration Blocks:
- Lab Shelf
- Copper / Gold Bars
- Calcite Brick Set
- Opened / Laying Vent
Added 3 Paintings
"The Depths"
Added 18 Advancments
Dash Effect Pad / Essence
Changed Color From Gray To Gray and Blue Colors
Changed Dash Potion Effect Icon
Re-Textured Some Textures
Added Custom Sounds For:
- Lab Drawer
- Wrench Use On conveyor Belt:
Lab Drawer Gui Buttons Got New Look
Tones Of Bug Fixes
And More = )
Future Updates:
1.1.2 Drop
1.1.3 Drop
1.1.4 Drop
1.2.0 Update
Version 1.1.0 - Summer Of The Hologram Update
Added Bunch Decoration Blocks
Added Breathing Apparatus
- An Special Helmet with water breathing effect when have it on
Added Hologram Sword
- That sword is Upgraded version of netherite sword and can shot special projectile
Added Hologramic Light, Hologramic Glass, Hologram Ladder
- All of them are usable with Hologram Remote
Added Conveyor Belts
- Conveyor Belts are rotatable and self-powered
- Speed of it can be adjusted or turned off with Wrench
Added Wrench
- Wrench is an Tool that can change blockstates (and for now its only Conveyor Belt)
Added Power Box
- Power Box is a block thats is similar to redstone block but its controlable
Added Wearable Nametag
- for now its only a cosmetic
Added Lab Drawer
- its an block that is better version of chest that has double storage and interesting gui
Added Vent, Lab Counter
- they just a decoration blocks
Added Black Tulip
Added 2 Wood Sets
- Charred and Bleached
- these wood types are missing boats , signs, hanging signs,
Added Natural Substances
- these Substances are for making Bleached and Charred Wood
Added New Villager Profession
- The station block is Lab drawer
- Scientist
Added 3 New Paitnings
Added 12 New Advancments -
- Changes:
- Changed recipe and texture of all essences
Hologram remote control
- Got its own 3D Model
Effect Pads
- Pads are finally can be connected with redstone
"The Nether" Painting
- got Tweaked Texture a bit
* Some items got their own descriptions explaining these items easily
Future Updates:
Minor Update 1.1.1 ()
Major Update 1.2.0
Version 1.0.0 - The Effect Pads Release
Added 10 Effect pads (Requires Redstone to power and gives effect after standing on radius of block)
The Variants of effect pads are:
- jump boost
- regeneration
- levitation
- (new) dash
- darkness
- blindness
- night vision
- water breathing
- glowing
- invisibility
-added 10 effect Essences that are used to make effect pads
(Essences are obtainable by brewing
Recipe of any effect essence is to add to any of required potion effects listed above and add amethyst as a ingredient to potion)
Potions Got added to remaining effects:
- Glowing
- Levitation
- Blindness
- Darkness
- Wither
- New Dash Effect:
After gaining effect it enables you to dash by clicking r button
- Added Hologram Block And Hologram Remote Control
(Hologram Remote is Used to change state of hologram block from on to off and opposite by right clicking on
- -Added Hologram Shield
Stronger Than casual Shield
it Regenerates Health and boosts player By deflecting Other entities getting their attacks blocked by shield they get weakness and slowness for little amount of time
- - Added Electronic Pattern
Item that is most important ingredient in entire mod that helpes you craft electronic stuff
- - One new painting Called "The Nether"
- - Added 9 mod related Advancments
Future Updates:
Version 1.1.0 (Finished)
- Planned Features:
- Bug fixes
- Changes to Existing Features
Very good