Biomes And More is a mod that adds a whole new dimension - The Corruption - and many biomes and blocks to go along with it.
Corruption Base Blocks: Corrupt Soil, Corrupt Grass, Corrupt Stone, Corrupt Ore Seams (Iron & Gold), Corrupt Sand, Corrupt Gravel and Aymmeridian (Gem) Based Blocks.
Rootwood Trees: Rootwood (Wood & Log), Rootleaf (Leaves), and Rootmangler (Acts As Planks And Is Climbable).
Automation: Autominer (Powered), Solidifier (Sand And Water To Slime [Needs Power]), and The Extractor (Stone And Power [Lava To Smelt Results]).
Plants: Corrupt Flower (Makes Redstone & Corrupt Soup), and Burnweed Vine (Long Burn Time And Grows Up To 6 Blocks),
Other: Cooled Magma (WIP), Respawn Pedestal (Corruption & Surface Only), World Spawn Block (Surface Is Best), and The Trader (WIP).
Tools: Flint & Iron Knives (Shift + Right Click On Grass For Fiber), Aymmeridic Tools (Harvest LVL 8), Leather Pouches, and The Talisman Of The Gods (WIP but very OP).
Misc: Unrefined And Refined Aymmeridian, Fiber (Obtained With Knives), and Glass Jugs.
Food: Corrupt Soup (10 Nutrition & 1 Saturation), and Water Jug (Filled Glass Jug [Long Drinking Time And 5 Saturation]).
Armor Sets: Aymmeridic Armor (Has Set Bonus Effects), and Cloak Of The Gods (Set Bonus: ?????? [Hint: Invincibility])
Enchantments: Lightfooted (Negates Most Fall Damage, But Damages Armor [100 Block Falls Do 1-2 Damage]),
and Lava Wader (Places Cooled Magma Where Lava Should Be [WIP]).
Cluckenson: Like a chicken, but kills monsters (WIP) [Drops Raw Chicken And Has A Chance To Drop Feathers, Eggs, Or Rabbit Hide].
My Favorite:: Commands:
Has Ability To Set Gamemode (/g <s|sp|a|c>) or toggle between them (/g toggle <1|2|3>)[1 is all modes, 2 is C & S, 3 is C & Sp].
Can Set Gamerules ('/g r inv <boolean>' for keep inventory and '/g r <ruleName> <boolean>' for all other cases)
Can set HP (/g hp <value>) and Saturation (/g sat <value>).
Can Super Enchant (/g superEnchant <single|preset>): Single:[/g superEnchant single <enchantment_name> <value>]
Preset:[/g superEnchant preset <Any|Bow|CBow|Armor|SilkTool|Tool|Trident|RipTrident>]
ALSO:: Each Individual Command Part Has It's Own Help Command (/g <any other arguments> <help|?>) And It May Correct You When The Syntax Is Deemed Invalid.
I would love to hear what you think about this mod as it is the first one where I am brave enough to post on the website. I will update this list with more facts and features when I have more time or if I add any new features. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know in the comments section and I will do my best to adress the situation. This mod also fits into multiple categories, so I chose other.
I have posted a video on my YT channel, featuring many elements of my mod. https://youtu.be/Oig9mec7-tA
Works With 1.15
All Recipes Can Be Achieved By Earning Advancements. I will add an advancement that adds all recipes within the next update.
The Talisman Allows Flight, But Has A Few Bugs Usually When It Tries To Stop/Start Flying.
I will update the page with more info when I have more free time, and I'm also open to suggestions for this mod.
Officially Released. There Will Most Likely Be Some Bugs And Some Other Things That I Need To Fix But It Is Stable.
Nice :)