Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I've made a procedure that runs every tick like a timer, it looks like this:
Global Trigger: On world tick update
if not(Is provided world client-side) {
Set number (Global: ticks) to (Get number(Global: ticks) + 1)
if (Get number(Global: ticks) ≥ 6000) {
Set number(Global: ticks) to: 0
if (Is (Event/target entity) (sub)type of (Player) {
Spawn entity at X: (X position of (Event/target entity)) Y: (Y position of (Event/target entity)) Z: (Z position of (Event/target entity))
The issue is that at requiered dependencies it says "You have selected external trigger that does not provide the following dependencies: entity".
I haven't tested it yet so I don't even know if it even works
If you know an alternative to this or the solution please let me know!
just do On entity tick update