Topic category: User side tutorials
For this tutorial, I'll provide a procedure template that you can use to summon a ring of particles. You can download the template here.
This procedure will require the world, x, y, z dependencies.
Before importing the procedure, you need to add these local variables: "loop", "particleAmount", "xRadius" and "zRadius". All of them are number variables.
After importing the procedure, it should look like this:
You can change some parameters to customize your ring:
The red one is the particle amount: make sure it's greater than 0
The yellow ones are the radii of the ring on the X and on the Z axes. If they're the same value, the ring will be a circle. Otherwise, the ring will be an ellipse
The green ones are the center of the ring.
This is what the default ring looks like:
Another ring. particleAmount is set to 16, xRadius and zRadius are set to 2:
Yet another ring. particleAmount is set to 14, xRadius is set to 3, zRadius is set to 1:
How did you get that one strange symbol?
All right, I got it. But how I can spawn a half circle in front of a player? I've already did the half circle, but I don't know how I can align it to were the player is looking. Is this possible?
Dartrix, just make that instead of the circle being on X and Z, make it on Y and Z or X and Y by transfering the big messy code for X and Z to Y and setting the parameters to Y.
If you copy the everything in the "at x" and put it in the "vx" but also minus the whole thing by (x+.5), then do the same for z, the particles expand out!
After quite a bit of trial and error I managed to figure out how to modify this procedure to make a sphere instead of just a circle, and thought I share it here in the comments so anyone who want's to use it for there own mod can do so! :D
Here's a download link ( download )
After downloading just go into a new procedure and click the "import procedure" button up in the top right and select the downloaded file, and that's it have fun! :D
@GamerDragon525 Thanks a lot for your work !
how do I use it to make a shockwave
someoneelse can how can i find you ? XD
How could I get these type of particles on server side? Since it is using "spawn single particle" and not "spawn particles on server"???
Use the spawn particles on server procedure block
@Evistix466 No problem, happy to help! :D
PS: sorry for the late response, I get so many notifications from this site it's hard to tell when someones actually trying to talk to me, instead of it just being another random comment!! :P lol