Topic category: Advanced modding
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way that I can change the value of an attribute from another mod? So far, when I have needed to do something with attributes, I will use a hidden potion effect, to make it dynamically changeable, as items have no direct attribute support, however, potion effects, and attribute procedures, have no built-in support for attributes from other mods. I would like to know of either the code to directly modify attributes from other mods, or a plugin for the newest MCreator version that has support for attributes from other mods, such as what did for older versions before some attribute support was added in base MCreator.
To summarize, how can I give the player a boost to an attribute from another mod? I am willing to code if somebody can tell me what I would need to do to properly import and reference the attribute.
Also, just to clarify, I am using MCreator 1.25.1, and making a mod for Minecraft 1.21.1 using the NeoForge mod loader.