Crazy Sabers
Mabzy's Sabers Mod
Cyber Crystals can be found in caves and sometimes in hills and cliffs you will notice that the cyber crystal ores look way different to the original ore from minecraft so there easily spotted! There are 7 different Cyber Crystals Green, Blue, Red, Purple, Light blue, Yellow and Black. To turn on the sabers just right click the the air and your saber egnites! also just right click the the air again to turn off your saber. This only works in Survival! there is a creative tab with everything in it!
Crafting Recipes:
Rods: One iron nugget in the middle of the table then one iron nugget above and below the middle one.
Blue, Red Rods: One iron rod in the middle of the table then lapiz lazuli above and below the rod to make blue rod replace the lapiz lazuli with rose red/ red dye to make red reds.
Blue, Red Wire: Place a blue rod in the bottom left corner of the table and place a blue rod in the top right corner the place redstone dust in the middle of the table replace the blue rods with red rods to make red wire you will need red and blue wire so craft both.
Mixed Wire: Place blue wire in the middle of the table then place red wire below it.
LightSaber Hilt/ Handle: Place mixed wire in the middle of the table then place a STONE button beside it on the left then place a rod below the mixed wire.
LightSabers: place any Cyber Crystal in the middle of the table then place the lightsaber hilt below it then place mixed wire next to the Cyber Crystal on the right.
CrossGuard Hilt: Place flint at the top middle of the table then place mixed wire below it then place a STONE button beside the mixed wire on the right then to finish it off place a iron ingot in the bottom middle slot of the table.
CrossGuard lightsabers: Place your crossguard hilt in the bottom middle slot of the table then place any cyber crystal of your choice in the middle of the table then place mixed wire beside the crossguard hilt on the right!
Now have fun with you lightsabers and enjoy killing... EVERTHING MUHAHAHA!!
Also may the force be with you!
how did you made the function to the lightsaber turn on and off