MCreator doesn't generate code for mob with Tabula model

Published by Goldorion on
Issue description



I's just for say that MCreator don't generate code for the mob with a .java file.

Can you resolve this bug very quickly please ?

Issue comments

I can't quite understand what you mean with "MCreator don't generate code". I need more details to be able to help you out.

When I create a new mob with the greenest, I make a mob of everything that's more normal, but instead of just taking a pig texture, for example, I take a model that I created. So I use the other model, and I'm going to import my custom model. I then finish my mob, when I want to "save" the mob I just made, I have an error. So I go in the console, I click on the error underlined in green, and there, I do not arrive on the "page" of code of the mob, but I arrive rather on the "page" where all the objects ( blocks, items, mobs, ...) TestEnvironmentMod. So I wonder why, I'm on this "page", and I'm going to look for the code page of the mob. And there, I do not see any code page concerning my mob, because the software, generated nothing like code, concerning e mob.

Basically, I create a normal mob, except that I take a custom model, with the other, and with the good file extansion, ie .java, and I always have an error, telling me that something n is not correct. I will see it, and I see that the software has not generated any code.

I hope I have been much clearer, and that you will solve this bug very quickly.

Goldorion / Toutoukamon

I am really sorry for my English miss. I took Google TRranslate to translate.

I have the same issue, Mcreator is not generating any of the code its supposed to create. I tried making a custom mob with a custom model and it gave me the an error.

''D:\Pylo\MCreator179\forge\build\sources\main\java\mod\mcreator\ error: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 1 error :compileJava FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. *

It pointed at the final bracket of the code. The only code Mcreator generated was

''package mod.mcreator; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelDragon; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;''

and then my java file ofcourse but thats it. I removed the element after and for some reason it did not remove its code so i deleted the files of the mob manually in the Mcreator folder and after that Mcreator ''broke''. It just fails the gradle task.

What modeler do you use? MCreator only officially supports(ed) Techne. We are looking for alternative and there is an open ticket for this. You can attach the .java code of the model you are importing and I can check what caused this.

I have been using tabula ever since minecraft 1.8 and it has been working flawless up until now. I dont use techne because of the no child support. I have multiple other mobs made with tabula in my mod and they dont give errors, it seems to be only the ones that i import in the latest mcreator gives me errors. Here is my java file

I use also tabula (it is a Minecraft Mod), and I don't use techne, because I cannot install it. I don't know why.

Tabula attaches import declarations, which Techne does not, this is the cause for the issues it seems. Remove the following lines and any other lines containing imports:

import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

Report back it this resolved the issue.

Your model contains whitespace. The name is Vache Superman. This translates in code:

public class Vache Superman extends ModelBase {

This will never work. Mod model must not contain whitespace. Tabula seems to not validate this.

Model names also need to start with Model: for example ModelVacheSuperman

Thanks you, but I use now the software Blockbench. I find it much better, and it works really well. I can do everything with it. I think you should add a shortcut to BlockBemnch in the "Tools" section. You should have it replaced Technic, Blender or BDCraft cubik, because Tehcnic and Blender do not work at all, and I find (like just everyone I think.) That BDCraft Cubik is just really hard to learn. It's almost impossible to create something with it.

True, Blockbench is seriously easy to learn, unlike the others. Also thank you for better supporting tabula models.

Hi, I'm creating a mod for version 1.7.10 called Lapis Mod. But I'm creating the Fire that I'm putting code into .java because I put that on it and it gives me an error with my Lapis Fire element and how I do it helps me because I'll do that mod please