Mod Spotlight
In game screenshot
In game screenshot [Sphax]
Crafting Recipes :
Compressed Cobblestone: [9 Cobblestone]
Double Compressed Cobblestone: [81 Cobblestone]
Tripple Compressed Cobblestone: [729 Cobblestone]
Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone: [6561 Cobblestone]
Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone: [59049 Cobblestone]
How to uncraft back into cobblestone:
to uncraft you put the compressed block in the crafting table [Shapeless] and you will get what you used to make it!
Sphax Download addon
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If you enjoy this mod check out my youtube :)
you should do compressed dirt as well. compressed cobble and compressed dirt is a mod on one of the mod packs on the Technic launcher.