Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
After I posted my mod wich is using blocks and items from another mod (Biome O' Plenty) I just send a comment on this mod to say that it really uses modded items and then I recive a comment saying:
"How did you even make that possible?"
And then I just asked myself... (was I not the first to do that xD) wait ? Peoples dont know how to do it ?
So, If someone want to use modded items, I'm here to help that guy !!
Just comment for help !
So, to do it, you need to follow some steps, theses :
your mod (.jar) > assets > your mod name (The one you want to edit) >
recipes > the recipe (the one you want to edit) >
- First, remove the first line ( not the "{", but the " "group": "mod" " )
Usually, the "items" of the recipe are with 1, 2, 3 ect, change them (in the craft grid) to "#, X, Z, O".
- Next, move on the "key": part, and change the "1, 2, 3 ect" by the "#, X...",
- Then, the most important part, the items, you will have to change the original by something like that (IN THIS EXAMPLE, I take biome o' plenty for external mod)
(original: spruce planks)
"#": {
"item": "minecraft:planks",
"data": 1
}(final: willow planks)
"#": {
"item": "biomesoplenty:planks_0",
"data": 9
}The "data":... is very important, if there is no data by default, you need to add it, just copy the line of this thread, even if the final item have no data, just write
"data": 0
So, now you have all the base, you can make your own mod :D
Still waiting xD
Crates are made by sticks right?
Nope, Like a lever, but with a plank block on the bottom, and a button on top: you can see some crafts on the Biomes O’ Plenty addon page :D
(the button is always a wood button)
@RockstarBonnet your mod is now officially on Curseforge ;D
But, actually the curseforge (and the minecraft community) are a bit angry on Mcreator, and you should disable the forge check, to make it accesible to newer version :D
@Super_cube4 why?
OK,but say the mod is for playing alone, not with other big mods etc. Like Bop. Bc so many structures, and so on
@crispy_chips1234 The Minecraft Community is angry on Mcreator because it’s the easiest way of making a mod, they said that if you made one with it, it will be forced to be like the other poop mod or idk what ...
@RockstarBonnet, I ask you to disable the force check because of a comment on curseforge asking why do the mod crash the game in the last version :D
i know, tanks but say the mod is for playing alone, not with other big mods etc. Like Bop. Bc so many structures, and so on