Change Item Description Procedure

Published by StellaeLux on
Issue description

Currently, you can give an item a description when simply creating the item mod element. However for weapons, etc this doesn't work. It would be extremely helpful being able to simply set the item description for every item(including armour and weapons etc.) and blocks and also being able to change the item description inside of the procedure:

1. Get description of [Provided item] (string)

2. Set description of [Provided item] to [message]

Issue comments

Interesting. The Inbetweenlands (dimension mod) has a feature where eating too much of the same food causes you to like it increasingly less until you can no longer eat it. The player is kept aware of the status of this through the item description. Maybe they've replaced the item entirely or some other approach.

I will check it out and will consider adding it down the road if I find a way.

There were some similar tickets already open and at that time I was not able to find a solution.