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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I try make that 12 hours, i want make logic nbt tag for mobs from faction A (with faction B too), in faction B i want make in AI missions (i dont know how write that) they attack all alive entity but entity need have nbt tag isCam in true. I can make that without that, but i want make that more professional (if i make without that then enemy have more height for the one mob but small height for another), i need fast help
I think to do that, youll need to.code
i try give screenshots of my code but if i try that dont work, but i can try write that:
code what give tag:
Set event/target entity custom logic NBT tag "isCam" to true
i add that code to every mog faction A in every tick update
code what is return false or true if enemy have that tag:
if get event/target enemy custom logic NBT tag "isCam" = true
do return true
*no in if block*
return false
taht code i add to all mobs in faction B in AI tasks and in block "Attack (in sight only ) (nerby only X) entities of type mob entity Conditions: X( <---- there is code)O"
This should Work for what you are aiming to do