Build failed with an exception

Started by Reza on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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Build failed with an exception

This is gonna be the last time I'm requesting for help before moving on from this application because honestly no one seems to want to help neither does anyone else have this issue I'm facing. I've been trying to get MCreator working for the past 6 days, this is my first time trying it out, and I couldn't even START a project let alone do anything in it. Spent countless hours trying to reinstall, install different versions and what not just to fail again and again.

Yes, I've tried every (every meaning literally just 2 as there's no other 'fixes' suggested in the knowledge base) solution but nothing works. After like the 7th time today alone, here I am asking for some help again - for the third time.


The error:

Executing Gradle task: eclipse
Build info: MCreator 2023.2.24119, forge-1.19.2, 64-bit, 32648 MB, Windows 10, JVM 17.0.5, JAVA_HOME: E:\MCreator\jdk, started on: 2023-11-23-20:48:22
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'sleekdeco'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'.
 > Could not download fastutil-8.3.1.jar (it.unimi.dsi:fastutil:8.3.1)
  > Could not get resource ''.
  > Premature end of Content-Length delimited message body (expected: 19,011,744; received: 9,196,256)
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
BUILD FAILED in 38m 22s
Task completed in 40 minutes and 11 seconds


Yes, literally waited 40 minutes (around 20-30+ each time I retry doing it after deleting gradle or the cache) just for this again.

The log file:

2023-11-23-20:47:38 [main/INFO] [Launcher] Starting MCreator 2023.2.24119 - 202300224119
2023-11-23-20:47:38 [main/INFO] [Launcher] Java version: 17.0.5, VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium
2023-11-23-20:47:38 [main/INFO] [Launcher] Current JAVA_HOME for running instance: E:\MCreator\jdk
2023-11-23-20:47:39 [main/DEBUG] [Preferences Manager] Loading preferences from core
2023-11-23-20:47:39 [main/WARN] [Preferences Manager] Preferences with identifier core have no saved values. Default values will be used.
2023-11-23-20:47:39 [Thread-0/ERROR] [STDERR] Nov 23, 2023 8:47:39 PM com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl startup
WARNING: Unsupported JavaFX configuration: classes were loaded from 'unnamed module @25359ed8'
2023-11-23-20:47:39 [main/INFO] [Launcher] Installation path: E:\MCreator
2023-11-23-20:47:39 [main/INFO] [Launcher] User home of MCreator: C:\Users\hp\.mcreator\
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugins from: .\plugins
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugins from: C:\Users\hp\.mcreator\plugins
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: core from .\plugins\, weight: 10
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: localization from .\plugins\, weight: 10
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: themes from .\plugins\, weight: 10
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: generator-1.19.2 from .\plugins\, weight: 0
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: generator-1.19.4 from .\plugins\, weight: 0
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: generator-addon-1.19.x from .\plugins\, weight: 0
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Plugin Loader] Loading plugin: mcreator-link from .\plugins\, weight: 0
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Theme Loader] Loading UI themes
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Theme Loader] Using MCreator UI theme: default_dark
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Sound system/INFO] [STDOUT] Starting up SoundSystem...
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Thread-3/INFO] [STDOUT] Initializing Java Sound
2023-11-23-20:47:40 [Thread-3/INFO] [STDOUT] (The Java Sound API.  For more information, see
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Thread-3/INFO] [STDOUT] JavaSound initialized.
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/INFO] [L10N] Setting default locale to: en_US
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added damagesources datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added potions datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added itemtypes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added defaultfeatures datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added blocksitems datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added tabs datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added projectiles datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added fluids datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added planttypes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added gamemodes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added entities datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added stepsounds datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added biomes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added soundcategories datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added mapcolors datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added pathnodetypes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added achievements datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added enchantments datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added particles datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added enchantmenttypes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added gamerules datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added keybuttons datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added sounds datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added mobspawntypes datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added screens datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added villagerprofessions datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added generationsteps datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added effects datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added materials datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Mod API manager] Loaded mod API definition: mcreator_link
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Variable loader] Loading variable types
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly JavaScript Files loader] Loading Blockly JavaScript files from plugins
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly Toolboxes loader] Loading Blockly toolboxes from plugins
2023-11-23-20:47:41 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly loader] Loading blocks for procedures
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly loader] Loading blocks for aitasks
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly loader] Loading blocks for jsontriggers
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly loader] Loading blocks for cmdargs
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Blockly loader] Loading blocks for features
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Entity Animations Loader] Loading entity animations
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Application] Loading generator: addon-1.19.x/generator.yaml
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Application] Loading generator: datapack-1.19.2/generator.yaml
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Application] Loading generator: datapack-1.19.4/generator.yaml
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Application] Loading generator: forge-1.19.2/generator.yaml
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added features datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added types datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Data List Loader] Added directions datamap to cache
2023-11-23-20:47:42 [Application-Loader/INFO] [Application] Loading generator: forge-1.19.4/generator.yaml
2023-11-23-20:47:43 [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] [GA4] Tracked page: /launch
2023-11-23-20:47:45 [Application-Loader/DEBUG] [Application] Application loader finished
2023-11-23-20:47:50 [Timer-0/DEBUG] [Discord] Connected with whotfisreza
2023-11-23-20:48:19 [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] [Workspace] Loaded workspace file E:\MCreatorMods\sleekdeco\sleekdeco.mcreator
2023-11-23-20:48:19 [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] [MCreator] Opening MCreator workspace: sleekdeco
2023-11-23-20:48:20 [Thread-30/INFO] [net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils] Trying to use Desktop.getDesktop().browse() with
2023-11-23-20:48:49 [pool-5-thread-1/DEBUG] [Workspace File Manager/SLEEKDECO] Workspace stored on the FS
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] [MCreator] Closing MCreator window ...
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] [Workspace] Closing workspace
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] [Workspace File Manager/SLEEKDECO] Saving the workspace by direct request!
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [AWT-EventQueue-0/DEBUG] [Workspace File Manager/SLEEKDECO] Workspace stored on the FS
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [ME preloader/DEBUG] [MCreator] MCItems preload for mod elements completed
2023-11-23-21:28:36 [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] [GA4] Tracked page: /workspace/open


Any help would be really appreciated:)

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
Joined Nov 2023

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Hi. Thanks for the reply.No,…
Thu, 11/23/2023 - 17:08

Hi. Thanks for the reply.
No, I don't use any sort of VPN or anything of that kind. Direct internet using an ethernet from my ISP.
And I've already checked that link. I tried clearing cache, I tried deleting the gradle folder itself, like I mentioned in the post. Nothing works. I'm still re-trying it as of writing this reply, it just waits 30-40 minutes before showing me that same error again - "Could not download fastutil-8.3.1.jar (it.unimi.dsi:fastutil:8.3.1)"

I even tried going to the link myself to download the fastutil package and it downloads perfectly fine.

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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Executing Gradle task:…
Thu, 11/23/2023 - 19:00
Executing Gradle task: eclipse
Build info: MCreator 2023.3.36712, forge-1.20.1, 64-bit, 32648 MB, Windows 10, JVM 17.0.7, JAVA_HOME: E:\MCreator\jdk, started on: 2023-11-23-23:22:42
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'test'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':_compileJava_1'.
 > Could not download icu4j-71.1.jar (
  > Could not get resource ''.
  > Premature end of Content-Length delimited message body (expected: 13,963,762; received: 8,724,224)
 > Could not download fastutil-8.5.9.jar (it.unimi.dsi:fastutil:8.5.9)
  > Could not get resource ''.
  > Premature end of Content-Length delimited message body (expected: 23,376,043; received: 9,626,896)
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
BUILD FAILED in 1h 29m 36s
Task completed in 1 hour, 29 minutes and 44 seconds



Here after an an hour and a half later again, the same issue persists. What do I do at this point?

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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Can someone tell me where…
Fri, 11/24/2023 - 13:38

Can someone tell me where the downloaded files are kept? I tried downloading, the ones it can't download, manually and placed them in 2 lib folders - one in the installation folder one in the user's folder, but it's still getting having issues downloading.

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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Most of them had network…
Fri, 11/24/2023 - 16:18

Most of them had network issues it seems. I even tried using a vpn, still no result. I have an internet speed of 20+ Mbps, I really don't understand why this issue is persisting. 

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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Okay so I think I've found…
Fri, 11/24/2023 - 16:26

Okay so I think I've found the issue, the site loads very slowly for me for some reason and the downloads sometimes gets 'interrupted' and cancelled. But I'm able to download the files from other sites. So if you could just tell me the directories of where they are downloaded too, I'll just directly download the files from other sites and put them in the designated folders.

Last seen on 09:09, 25. Jun 2024
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if you could just tell me…
Tue, 11/28/2023 - 15:26

if you could just tell me the directories of where they are downloaded to, I'll just directly download the files from other sites and put them in the designated folders.

Could anyone answer the question? I really wanna give this a try.


Last seen on 04:14, 22. Jan 2024
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Same I get this message no…
Wed, 11/29/2023 - 18:40

Same I get this message no matter what version I do even if the project has nothing in the workspace.  "an exception has occured in the compiler (17.0.5) mcreator"   

I made a forum post and havent gotten any help. At this point I'm going to watch some java script videos and code myself rather then use this horrible software

Last seen on 19:09, 10. Jul 2024
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Yeah I have the exact same…
Sat, 06/29/2024 - 15:14

Yeah I have the exact same problem

Last seen on 06:10, 26. Jul 2024
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hi, the directories where…
Sat, 06/29/2024 - 18:16

hi, the directories where the files download are usually either download or quick access