Documentation on the forge:spawn_type tag

Started by SnailsAttack on

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Documentation on the forge:spawn_type tag
Sat, 01/04/2025 - 02:31 (edited)

When Forge is installed, entities spawn with a custom 'forge:spawn_type' NBT tag with the following string values for mobs spawned in various situations. These results were tested on version 1.20.1 and may differ in other versions of the game. These 'spawn type' values are distinct from the ones found here.

Entities spawned by the following methods do not have a "forge:spawn_type" tag. Attempting to retrieve this string with commands just yields an empty string.

- projectiles including arrows, fireballs, splash potions, etc.
- dropped items, experience orbs
- item frames, paintings
- falling blocks
- chickens spawned from eggs
- babies produced by right-clicking mobs with their respective spawn egg
- babies produced by breeding animals
- drowned or husks converted from zombies
- zombie villagers that have been cured
- villagers that have been zombified
- silverfish spawned from infested blocks
- slimes and magma cubes that have split from larger ones
- iron and snow golems created by the player
- endermites spawned from thrown ender pearls
- bees that exit their hives (note that all bees initially generate inside their hives)
- shulkers spawned in end cities
- minecart chests that generate in abandoned mineshafts


A fairly complete list of entities that do spawn with a "forge:spawn_type" tag is given below.

- consists of the majority of mobs spawned as part of the spawn cycle (e.g. monsters at night or in caves, squids and fish in the water)
- exceptions to the NATURAL spawn type are specified in the other categories

- a large portion of the overworld animals
- all striders except the 'jockeys'

- cats, farm animals and villagers that spawn as part of villages
- piglins and hoglins spawned as part of bastions
- zombified piglins spawned by nether portals in the overworld, weirdly enough
- weirdly does not include shulkers spawned in end cities

- any mob spawned by the player using a spawn egg, with the exception of if the player uses a spawn egg on a mob that has babies, which are NULL

- baby zombie/ziglin chicken jockeys (the zombie only, not the chicken)
- striders that generate riding top of other striders during chunk generation

- any creature spawned from a mob spawner

- entities spawned by the /summon command. does not include entities spawned by MCreator procedures.

- entities spawned by MCreator procedures. does not include entities spawned by player commands such as /summon

- mob entities spawned by spawn eggs deployed from a dispenser
- doesn't apply to dispensed items, arrows, etc.

- fish or axolotls that are spawned from a bucket

- pillagers spawned during a village raid
- zombies spawned during a village siege

- lightning bolt summons only afaict

- skeletons and skeleton horses spawned as 'traps' during thunder storms

- pillagers spawned as part of patrols

- zombies spawned by other zombies via the 'reinforcements' game mechanic

Entities retain their spawn types indefinitely.

The "BREEDING" and "MOB_SUMMONED" spawn types do not seem to actually apply to any combination of mobs and their spawn methods.

If you find an error, exception or addition to these spawn type rules, please feel free to comment. I hope this documentation is useful.

Edited by SnailsAttack on Sat, 01/04/2025 - 02:31