Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
hi everyone! hope you are well
i only just downloaded mcreator and this is my first try making a mod. i created a simple mod to add one music disc, and i believe i have created it correctly. once i export it and add it to my mods folder, the game launches fine. the moment i go into singleplayer and press Create New World', my game instantly freezes and windows asks me if i want to close or wait for the program to respond. it could be because i simply close the program, but i haven't received any crash reports in the folder, so i'm not sure what to do. i received exit code -805306369, which the main solution was to allocate more ram, but i did so and nothing changed. i assumed maybe that i created the mod incorrectly, so i tried again and made a whole new workspace, but nothing changed. hopefully someone who has more experience with this, or is generally smarter than me is able to help <3
Check crash logs, it could also be outdated GPU driver
is it only with the mod or a general issue? Maybe try to remove the Minecraft game folder(in mcreator) and let it generate