Topic category: Collaborations and mod teams
I'm building an Economy Mod as feel let down by the current options which people promise the earth and just ending up with different countries bank notes and no functionality. Started building 'M Economy' which will be used on my modded server but once the mod is completed, also aim to go public for other users to enjoy and bring to different Minecraft Versions. The premise is simple, keep it simple but functional. Players should have access to a currency (single currency, keeping it simple. No coins just $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes. Players can deposit this into an ATM to keep their money safe. Reason I want to implement a shop system is so the mod isn't just ANOTHER currency mod.
Mod name: M Economy
Mod Loader: Forge
Version: 1.20.1
MCREATOR Version: 2024.4.52410
Implemented Features:
- 6 Bank notes ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes.) - DONE
- Recipes to craft notes into bigger or small denominations. - DONE
- ATM with the ability to deposit and withdraw cash. - DONE
- Wallet (For the Gents) and Purses (For the Ladies) (7 Slots, 6 for money, 1 for bank card). - DONE
- Bank Card. - DONE
Planned Features Development:
- Shop System
Progress on Shop System:
- Create 'ownerUUID' NBT tag which sets when the 'Shop Block' is placed establishing ownership of the shop. - DONE
- Create a check for 'ownerUUID' matches the player when a shop is being destroyed. If the player does not owns the block, it will notify an error that they don't own this shop. If they do own it, the block is destroyed. - DONE
- Seller GUI (Shop Setup) Set item for sale, price and inventory for items and profits - WIP
- Buyer GUI - WIP
If you would like to help with this, please let me know. I look forward to working with you!
Below are some screenshots of the mod progress so far.
ATM Block:
ATM in use: