Started by
Mora rus
Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Hello everybody.. I'd like to start from such words: My english knowledge is not really nice, i am from Russia and always learning Deutsch. Thank you for understandin' me.
The problem/question is:
1)Idk how to make the block ladderable.. ehm, a block, but i can get up while walking at it. Like a ladder.
2)Textures from the block ain't transparent in case they are as a block have some holes. Like a glass block.. it is transparend(100%) and some lines in it. (Ehh, there is my English is finish.) an image for show:
Difference between glass block and my one:
Thanks for helping.
*btw sorry if i wrote in the wrong section.
I have the same problem to, maybe you could change the texture of the bottem for the block?
About the ladder i have no idea to :(.
@#2 I've already made textures from all the sides of block, you can see'em here:

O than i do not know how to fix it, i have this problem to.
I hope you will figure it out ;) .
Try the tickbox on right "Has alpha"
@#3 ye, thank you.
@#4 i tried it before. Still this s**t exists..
Oh i fixed it by myself.1)looks 2)solution:
But still idk how to make it ladder :/ Any ideas?
@#5 no sorry :/
just ckeck has transparency then make it so 0 light goes throught the block