MCreator ideas

Started by modder x on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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MCreator ideas

I have a lot of ideas. You probably won't add them all.

making wings

guns without needing bullets 

more options to make mobs immune to things

making crafting stations

making mobs spawn only in certain dimentions

adding effects of items being througn out of dispensers

creating explosives and allow some of them to release radiation

creating mod elements that fall into more than one catagory

adding the probability of block and mob drops

increasing the maximun for variables for thing such as duribility and damage

improving MCreator help

changing the time it takes to eat certain foods

making beds explode in new dimentions

prevent certainn blocks being placed in certain dimentions

creating radioactive blocks

creating weapons that inflict potion effects on the victum

creating results when fluids mix

changing weapon/tool use speed

I have probably forgotten a lot of things



Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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things forgotten
Thu, 01/26/2017 - 02:39

things forgotten

removing item from/resetting the crafting grid when making a recipe so you don't have to recreate the whole elememt

creating buttons, levers and pressure plates

creating results when something is right clicked by a certain thing only

making fireworks

creating custom block models

improving mob drops

adding rare drops to blocks

alot that i have forgotten

Last seen on 03:00, 20. Jul 2024
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1 You can make guns as an
Thu, 01/26/2017 - 07:27

1 You can make guns as an item and have it shoot an entity or you can make a gun refill its ammo.

2 If you got to the events there is a part where you can select the probability for an event.

3 some blocks can be extended

4 Crayfish's Model Creator is a great model creator. 

5 Other stuff

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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RE:1 You can make guns as an
Sun, 01/29/2017 - 05:28

1. i meant a gun that doesnt even need 1 ammo

2. i dont think you can choose the exact chance (%)

3. what do you mean by extending blocks

4. ok

Last seen on 16:38, 10. Dec 2019
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1 block draw on it like in 3D
Sun, 01/29/2017 - 14:45

1 block draw on it like in 3D 

2 give elements on the block more 

3 more task on the mod 

4 give way how you want ores stay 

5 speed give tool 

6 better seen loading mod make 

7 by the code of mcedit  can you make better tree or something 

8 give limt of item same for tools 

9 type of mod making names choose 

10 slad and stiars back make

11  zyx better see what it is way of point  

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RE:RE:1 You can make guns as an
Mon, 01/30/2017 - 02:02

@#3 You can extend block properties I believe

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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RE:RE:RE:1 You can make guns as an
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 20:43

Do you mean changing the size?

Last seen on 23:44, 18. Aug 2019
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May I add to this list:
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 20:55

May I add to this list:

-option under events "Spawn gem" and "Spawn entity" that lets you chose how many are spawned. This would be SO much better than having to make a stacked event of the same thing 8-16 times for some things.

-support for mobs with multiple textures or glowing parts (like enderman or spider's eyes

-option to make blocks rotate in the direction they are placed

-events for fluids, especially "when entity/Player collides with fluid"

-make fluids able to be picked up in buckets by default

-make armor use the names "Helmet", "Chestplate" "Leggings" and  "Boots" rather than body and leggins (that spelling error is intentional, 'cause that's what MCreator has programmed into it)

-make a way to better place where acheivements go in the grid

-choices of blocks created upon fluid-fluid collisions 

-option to make a horizontal portal frame

-ability to change the durabilityof portal igniters

-ability to make portal igniters used for other things, like striking lightning, setting blocks (like fire), being used as a sword, etc.

-throwable items

-make harvest levels of blocks actually work

Last seen on 23:44, 18. Aug 2019
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also support for TX block
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 20:56

also support for TX block options that actually work and two-block tall plants

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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RE:1 block draw on it like in 3D
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 22:56

1-6,9-11 I can't understand

7 I can't use code

8 4000 for durability and 100 for damage

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RE:May I add to this list:
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 22:59

You need to click the box for custom harvest levels.

Last seen on 12:16, 30. Jan 2018
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i wish u could make gunfire
Sat, 02/04/2017 - 21:18

i wish u could make gunfire spread so i could make a shotgun

also i want to make the custom guis easily to make stuff in (AKA crafting)

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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RE:i wish u could make gunfire
Sat, 02/04/2017 - 22:53

The gunfire spread is a good idea.

Last seen on 22:33, 15. Sep 2018
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I forgot to say that the
Fri, 02/17/2017 - 07:43

I forgot to say that the wings need a glide ratio, firework compatible and if it has power. (If it is powered so it can climb and accelerate.)