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Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange
This is a thread for my mod Terra so ill be posting screenshots of progress im making and keeping you guys updated here. Also if you have any suggestions for the mod go ahead and comment them id love to hear what you guys want!
Edited by EdAtTheHyena on Sat, 12/09/2017 - 02:24
How do you make structures spawn? Mine don't spawn :(
Looks cool! :D
Nothing special just wanted to say I going to start working on the mod again or atleast try to, so like heres 3 new plants with dye and wool
It looks really cool so far, what version of minecraft is it for?
@#4 Its for 1.11.2 The first versions of the mod have already been released if you want to check it out Here. Its a bit lacking in stuff although this update im working on should fix that a bit
Sweet, cant wait till its done :D
So heres another small pic of progress, btw more new dye colors including indigo
@#7 Thanks im hoping to have a new dimension within the next update so i guess that'd be something to look forward to
And heres a sneak peak of the new dimension called the Undergarden, nothing special about it other than it will have "exotic" biomes I guess, if you have any suggestions what i should do with it or what should be in it go ahead and leave some
Ok soo you probably cant tell the difference but i managed to get moreCypress Trees spawnining in the Cypress Forest, so now it should ook betterish I need to see if i can fix some of the floating tree issues.
@#8 Oh and the grass color for the cypress woods was changed, should be a bit darker
Hey guess what, ore dictionary works :)
Ok, for RaolCraft 3 birthday I'll add Ore dictionary XD
@#10 Well then Happy Birthday To RaolCraft 3! One of the best/largest mcreator mods there are