MCreator's transparent block feature is missing

Started by mshane951 on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined Feb 2019

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MCreator's transparent block feature is missing
Tue, 03/19/2019 - 19:29 (edited)

Hello everyone, 

I am new to the mcreator block and other entities building software and had ran into perhaps a bug in the software. I am on version 1.7.3 for 1.7.10 of Minecraft as I am designing custom blocks for a modpack for a ruin city that I have been working on for the past two months. So as the name of the forum suggests once you go under the "create a new element" tab and then select "block" and name it it takes you to the block layout and type of block section. I'm pretty sure you know what I am talking about, anyways, I see all the "usual' tabs except for one, by the name of transparency. There should be according to the wiki article by the name of "How to create a block" a transparency tab right under the rendering tab, however it is not present.  I know I installed this program properly as it was capable of going through the forge downloading and designing process, so this puts me under the following options: first as I am doing concurrently with the changelog is asking the forums that appear to be active. Second reinstalling the whole program and seeing if it will have the feature and third is find an alternative in which I have one put it is not as advanced is this program and will not look the greatest. Anyways, this feature is imperative to the creation of the hightech windows and old windows as they are windows and shall be transparent or translucent in which I know both of these exist in the program at it's current 1.7.10 state. 

Thank you for your cooperation.   

Edited by mshane951 on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 19:29