MCreator Unofficial Event

Started by maxpingouin on

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MCreator Unofficial Event
Thu, 08/20/2020 - 10:33 (edited)

Note: I kinda lost hope in this project being finished but I'm still voluntary to do it.

As precised in this page, I'd need an approval from the staff and I still need a server to host it (which I could probably try to get).


Hello ,

I had an idea :

Making a server where MCreator users fight in teams using MCreator mods.


How will it work ?

I still don't know , so I will let community vote for some of the settings.


Discord : (make sure to be 13+)


Teams :

Teams will have names.They will be based on important MCreator users / modders / mods or random.

Teams may have "Kings" , Kings have much more health and a special starting stuff.They must be protected at all costs if the goal is to have the last king alive.If an user is in a team with it's name , it will obviously be the king.

Vote in comments to let me know your mind about teams.

Lives :

Players will have a limited amount of lives before being eliminated.There can be :

-1 life per player (I don't like that because it would make the game too fast and possibly raging)

-3 lives per player

-5 lives per player

-10 lives per team

-infinite lives

Goal for victory :

There may be 3 goals :

-Being the last team with an alive king.

-Being the last team with a "core"

-Being the last team with an alive teammate.

There may be multiple goals at same time.

Objectives :

Players will need to explore dungeons and stuctures generated by MCreator mods or built using mod elements to get stuff.

They may also need to make a base , which will be extremely important if the goal is to be the last team with a core.


Roles :

There will be roles for players. Here is a list of every roles and their descriptions :

(You can have both challenger and team king)

(I had fun making names)


Challengers are just players.They have no special abilities or perms.

Everybody can be challenger.

"Team Kings"

Team leaders.If the "King" goal is selected , every team will have 1 King.The Team Kings have more health and may have special starting stuff.You can be Challenger and Team King at same time.

Requires to be a MCreator Staff Member or having 3+ MOTWs or 1500+ user points.

"Compatibility Helper/tester"

The compatiblity helper(s) will look at the list of submitted mods that got accepted and then try them with every other used mods.If a compatiblity error is found , the compatiblity helper must ask the modder who created the mod to fix the problem(s).If no error is found , the compatiblity helper needs to message the manager that the mod is fine to use.            The compatibility helper can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to have a lot of free time and to have discord if possible to be accepted.


Basically a builder.When the server will be done , the builder will start helping creating the background and maybe some structures/dungeons.

The builder can be challenger and team king in same time.

The builder can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to have a pretty good amount of free time or more and good building skills to be accepted.

Mod Gameplay Assistant

The Mod Gameplay assisstant will help making interactions like NPCs (with custom NPCs mod).It will also submit mods/ideas to the manager.The manager can ask the mod gameplay assistant to do mod related actions.

The gameplay assisstant can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to have a pretty good amount of free time or more and good mod knowledge (not only of MCreator mods) to be accepted.

Commands and events manager

The commands and events manager will help making events and interactions that needs commands.It is still lower than the real manager.

The Commands and events manager can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to have a pretty good amount of free time or more and a good knowledge of commands and command blocks to be accepted.

Organization Manager

Organization Managers can only be MCreator staff.I still don't know what will they'll do, but I think they would help for organization of servers and event and other MCreator rights related things or idk what.

The organization manager can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to be a MCreator Staff Member

Event Assistants

Help doing tasks.The manager may ask assistants to help with oragization or other things.

The event assistants can be challenger and team king in same time.

Requires to be a MCreator Staff Member or having 3+ MOTWs or having 1500+ user points.


Manages and do some organization.

Can also do multiple tasks.

Multiple managers are possible but the chances would be low.





RockstarBonnet (tariomino)

Kings: (Team Kings aren't sure)

RockstarBonnet (tariomino)

CHs: (optionnal)

Builders: (optionnal)

MGAs: (optionnal)

CAEMs: (optionnal)

OrganizationManagers: (optionnal)

EAs: (optionnal)







To get a role , just comment with your submission or submit your app on the discord server (the invitation link is at the bottom and top of the page, you need to be 13+ to join).

You'll need to give : your amount of free time , your skills related to the wanted role , your minecraft username.

Time :

When will the event happen ?

I'll let you comment in this topic or in the discord server your preferred day for the event in september and october. (Please precise your timezone)

I'll announce everything when it's done.

Duration :

I still don't know how much time does the event will take.

Here is 4 options.

-30 minutes (very short)

-1 hour (pretty good)

-3 hours (long)

-1 hour per day during multiple days (bad for people with a few free time)

I'd need to know how much time we will wait for everybody to come.

-15 minutes before (very short)

-30 minutes before (pretty good)

-1 hour before (very long)

I'll let you comment your mind.


Server :

The IP will be given to helpers before the tournament starts.

Disclaimer : You can try to submit a server but it probably won't be accepted unless we really need one and if the user who submits the server is a good/trusted community member.

I don't know if Pylo got servers, but it would be really cool if they could lend a server for the event.

If we find no valid server I'll try getting one.

Prize for winning :

I don't know what would be the prize for the winner(s). I thought about a special rank/item if another event like this is planned in the future.

If you have any ideas feel free to suggest them.

If Klemen likes this idea maybe a "2019 Event winner" role could be created on the website.

Mods :

Here is a list of every mods that will be used:


(MCreator) DepthDungeonsMod


Mantle Core

Tinker's Construct


Some mods may be added / removed in the future.

Here is a list of every mods that got validated and only needs an agreement from their creators to be used.


(MCreator) RaolCraft Omega

(MCreator) Cogwheel Dungeons

(MCreator) Oh the biomes you'll go

(MCreator) Weasley's Roguelike Dungeons


I'd need more mods. Feel free to submit me mods.

If you submit a mod it must:

-Be in version 1.12.2 of Minecraft

-Add fighting stuff / building blocks / tools / magic things and food.Machines are accepted but needs to have an utility in the event.

-Fit a minimum minecraft's graphics (not too much realist , not too much irrealist)

-Have not too much OP elements.


-if your submitted mod isn't accepted then an explanation should be given in the list of unnacepted mods or in a comment reply.

Submitting a mod in the disc is easier and has more chances of succeding

Here is a list of (sadly) unnaccepted mods:


Optifine (Causes errors with Tinker's Construct)


Game example :

Here is a game example :

The game starts , we have a team Klemen , a team Matej , a team Raol and a team oofbob2008thepro.

If the goal is Kings , the king of the team klemen will be klemen and the king of the team raol will be raol.

If the goal is Castles , every team will have a core.

Note that there can be multiple goals at sime time.

Example , Matej would stay near the spawn with a team mate to start building , while the other team mates of team Matej are searching a dungeon.

Imagine that oofbob2008thepro's team found a dungeon , killed the boss  and then got an Armor with a Smeltery Controller and seared bricks.

They will be able to make weapons and tools using the smeltery , while the king will equip the armor.

If oofbob2008thepro kills several times another team's members, they will lose lives , and if they get out of lives, they will be eliminated.

If Matej breaks oofbob team's core and then eliminate all of them, the oofbob team will be eliminated.

If Klemen take all lives of Matej , but matej's team mates have a "special live totem" or something similar.They will be able to revive their king.

If Matej's team eliminate every other teams , they win.


If a player disconnects and is the last one of it's team, it will have 5 minutes to join back before being eliminated.

What can I find in the map ? :

In the map you will be able to find (in containers/drops or in world) :








-Maybe "Bonus Live Totem" , spawn eggs and / or other things like this.


How to talk with my teammates or submit / make teams ? :

You will be able to do this on this topic , or on the discord server.

To submit a team , just comment your submission on this topic / on the disc server.

Actual teams :


None for now



This topic isn't finished and a lot of modifications may be done.

Thanks you for reading this topic.

If you have any questions , suggestions , comment them in this topic or in the disc server.

Discord server invitation code : (MAKE SURE TO BE 13+)







Edited by maxpingouin on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 10:33
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Very Nice! I would rly like…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:05

Very Nice! I would rly like to be on, with my 5 Motws, Cosmocraft had building, weapons etc. Maybe TerraCore, but then with no biomes from TerraCore. When sir cookie wants, I can team with him

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And BLDragonV2 And I can be…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:06

And BLDragonV2

And I can be builder or challenger

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Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:09


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I can also make a special…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:10

I can also make a special mod for the event. 

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I read it all now, I be king…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:15

I read it all now, I be king, bc I have 1600 points and 5 Motws 

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Ingame :tariomino
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 10:37

Ingame :tariomino

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Noce idea, but for the mod,…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 12:53

Noce idea, but for the mod, why don’t we take the current MOTW ?

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The king, you say....
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 13:25

The king, you say....

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Because it adds tons of ores…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 19:45

Because it adds tons of ores but none very interesting things to do with except swords and staffs.

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Sat, 08/10/2019 - 19:45


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maybe add cosmocraft?
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 19:55

maybe add cosmocraft?

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btw i have healing stones…
Sat, 08/10/2019 - 19:57

btw i have healing stones,when you eat it it heals you with reg 1 for 30 sec,reg stone and saturation stone,flaming sword,skywood swor dthat gives the enemy levitation etc....

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Sun, 08/11/2019 - 15:01


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ye it could be added i just…
Sun, 08/11/2019 - 15:03

ye it could be added i just need to test it before