Topic category: Help with MCreator software
So I know that enchanted books require NBT data in order to be an enchanted book.
In Minecraft items after all can be enchanted through: /give PLAYERNAME minecraft:potato 0 1 {ench:[{id:4, lvl:5},{id:12, lvl:2}]
which would give you a potato with 2 enchantments. You could also use display{Name:"crazypotato",Lore["A very strange potato","Nobody knows where from."]}
In the procedure editor there are various Set and Get NBT tags for this and I suppose that you can use them to create the similar effect of the 2 enchantements potato with description as mentioned above. The only question is: What exactly would I have to do to create the 2 enchanted potato with description using procedures exclusively, knowing the commands from Minecraft as better described here:
That I guess is the last missing piece in the puzzle for me: How Minecraft's NBT tags translate into Mcreators procedure editor.
The only NBT tags supported in mcreator currently are logic and number tags. So anything that says true/false or a number. Tags like name and lore require strings and can't be done in the procedure editor. Enchanting however is number tags so you could create enchanted items through the number tags
What would a procedure look like for something simple like Sharpness Level 6?
I think there is a 'enchant item' procedure block
There is an 'enchant item' procedure block, but if you use it on a book you get an enchanted 'book' not an 'enchanted book'. If you switch out the book for an enchanted book and then enchant that, you get an 'enchanted book' that has no enchantment on it, but is enchanted with the enchantment you requested. Weirdly complicated