Tree spawn option

Started by revmykl777 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Oct 2013

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Tree spawn option

I looked around, and read many articles, so forgive me if this has been suggested already.

Add an option to the wood pack maker, that would allow for custom trees to spawn based on a specific biome, or biomes. For instance, a checkbox that says you want your tree to spawn in vanilla biomes, and another box (similar to biome restriction boxes) that allows you to select one ore more vanilla biomes for your tree to spawn in.


I know you can basically do this by creating your tree as a structure, then selecting which biomes it will spawn in, but structure spawning has always been a bit off at best.


This would, in theory allow for a random variable to replace a vanilla tree with a custom tree during chunk generation. You could maybe even add a frequency option to help offset the spawn variable. Not really sure how tree spawning works, but the frequency could be set, maybe, to like 0.1 - 1, with 0.1 replacing only one tree per chunk, and 1 replacing 10. Just a thought.