of course it will give you an error, no one does mixed code perfectly the first time. you will have to customize it for your mob, but for that learn java
public class SkySkeletonRenderer {
public static class ModelRegisterHandler {
public void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) {
RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(SkySkeletonEntity.entity, renderManager -> {
return new MobRenderer(renderManager, new Modelcustom_model(), 0.5f) {
public ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity) {
return new ResourceLocation("additional_adventure:textures/esqueletodelcielo.png");
public SkySkeletonRenderer(EntityRendererManager renderManagerIn) {
super(renderManagerIn, new Modelcustom_model<>(), 0.6F);
this.addLayer(new HeldItemLayer(this));
The console says that this part of the code is wrong
public SkySkeletonRenderer(EntityRendererManager renderManagerIn) {
How could this be solved, or do I have to add something else?
with code or making the entity a biped model
of course it will give you an error, no one does mixed code perfectly the first time. you will have to customize it for your mob, but for that learn java
Entity Renderer:
The console says that this part of the code is wrong
How could this be solved, or do I have to add something else?